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GitHub Actions : Reusable and composite actions

Composite action

You have a composite action to build and install the Arcane Framework.

This composite action allowing you to build and install all of the Framework :

  • arcaneframework/gh_actions/build_install_framework@v3

This composite action can work with any docker image with the necessary/recommended Arcane dependencies (see documentation for more information).

Available inputs for the first composite action

Input Description Required (Default value)
source_dir Directory with framework sources. Get the sources with the actions/checkout action. Yes
build_dir Directory for build files. No need to create this folder before. Yes
install_dir Directory for installation files. No need to create this folder before. If it is empty, the installation will not proceed. No ()
log_dir Log directory to save logs. You can use the actions/upload-artifact action to easily get the logs. If no value is given, the log will not be moved from the build folder. No ()
cache_dir Cache directory to speed up compilation. You can use the actions/cache action to save/restore this folder for a future build. If it is empty, ccache will not be used. No ()
max_size_cache_dir Max size for the cache_dir directory. No (5G)
ccache_debug_mode Activate CCache debug mode (need a log_dir). No (false)
cmake_additionnal_args Additional arguments given to CMake configure. Example: '-DARCCORE_CXX_STANDARD=23 -DARCANE_DISABLE_PERFCOUNTER_TESTS=ON -DARCANE_DEFAULT_PARTITIONER=Metis' No ()
type_build Type of build. You can choose Debug, Check or Release. No (Release)
use_ninja Use ninja instead of make to build the Framework. No (true)
use_mold Use mold linker instead of ld to build the Framework. No (false)
use_shared_libs Generate shared libs instead of static libs. No (true)
verbose Add verbose args for make/ninja. No (false)
compilo Compiler to build the Framework. You can choose gcc or clang. If you want an other compiler, you can use cmake_additionnal_args input. No (gcc)
acc_compilo Compiler to compile GPU part of the framework. You can choose nvcc (for CUDA nvcc compiler) or clang_cuda (to compile CUDA part with clang++) or acpp (to compile SYCL part with AdaptiveCPP). No ()
with_samples Build samples. Need an install_dir. No (false)
with_userdoc Build the user documentation. Available in build_dir/share/userdoc. No (false)
with_devdoc Build the dev documentation. Available in build_dir/share/devdoc. No (false)
with_aliendoc Build the Alien documentation. Available in build_dir/share/aliendoc. No (false)

Example for the composite action

  # OpenMPI

    name: 'Build, install and test Arcane Framework'
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Define environment paths
        shell: bash
        run: |
          echo "SOURCE_DIR=${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/framework" >> $GITHUB_ENV
          echo "BUILD_DIR=${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/build" >> $GITHUB_ENV
          echo "INSTALL_DIR=${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/install" >> $GITHUB_ENV
          echo "CCACHE_DIR=${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/ccache" >> $GITHUB_ENV

      - name: Set C++ compiler and default MPI
        shell: bash
        run: |
          source /root/scripts/
          source /root/scripts/

      - name: Checkout framework
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
          repository: 'arcaneframework/framework'
          path: ${{ env.SOURCE_DIR }}
          submodules: true

      - name: Build and install framework
        uses: arcaneframework/gh_actions/build_install_framework@v3
          source_dir: ${{ env.SOURCE_DIR }}
          build_dir: ${{ env.BUILD_DIR }}
          install_dir: ${{ env.INSTALL_DIR }}
          cache_dir: ${{ env.CCACHE_DIR }}
          type_build: Debug
          compilo: gcc
          acc_compilo: nvcc
          with_samples: false

Reusable actions

You have a reusable action to test the Arcane Framework :

  • arcaneframework/gh_actions/.github/workflows/reusable_test_framework.yml@v3

Before using it, you can read this Github Docs page :

There are several 'input' options. To find out the available options, you can read the YAML action file.

This reusable action can work only with framework-ci images. The reusable actions version 1 can work with all framework-ci images v1 and v2 (20240703 or before). The reusable action version 2 and later need framework-ci images v3 (20240717 and after).


    name: '[U24_C18_M]_OMPI_Release'
    uses: 'arcaneframework/gh_actions/.github/workflows/reusable_test_framework.yml@v3'
      compilo_name: clang
      compilo_version: 18
      mpi: OMPI
      type_build: Release
      with_samples: true
      execute_tests: true
      excluded_tests: ^.*([3-9]proc|[1-9][0-9]+proc|[5-9]thread|[1-9][0-9]+thread).*$
      excluded_tests_with_labels: LARGE_HYBRID
      cache_key_prefix: U24_C18_M_OMPI_Release

Tags guide

There are two type of tags : small tags (e.g. v2) and long tags (e.g. v2.1.0).

First number (vX or vX.0.0) : Major update

A major update may require new images and may remove, modify or add some options. These are major changes that require user action.

Second number (v0.X.0) : Minor update

A minor update can only add a few optional options and/or fix bugs. There are no major changes.

Third number (v0.0.X) : Fix update

A fix update can only fix bugs.

When updating tags

In .github/workflows/, action tags need to be updated.