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Container profile merge
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blacksmith-welder committed Mar 10, 2025
1 parent 026944c commit 258b006
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Showing 2 changed files with 75 additions and 6 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
Feature: Container Profiles merge
Given an administrator user is logged in
And a two Container Profiles A & B have been created
And the user is on the Container Profiles page
And two Container Profiles A & B have been created
And the two Container Profiles are displayed in the search results
Scenario: Merge two Container Profiles
Given the two Container Profiles A & B are selected
When the user clicks on 'Merge'
And the user selects the Container Profile B in the Merge Container Profiles modal
And the user clicks on 'Select merge target' in the modal
And the user clicks on 'Select merge destination' in the modal
And the user clicks on 'Merge 2 records' in the Confirm Merge Container Profiles modal
Then the 'Container Profile(s)' merged message is displayed
And the user is on the Container Profile B view page
And the Container Profile A is deleted
Then the 'Container Profiles(s)' merged message is displayed
And the Container Profile B view page is displayed
And the Container Profile A is deleted
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true

Given 'two Container Profiles A & B have been created' do
@shared_container_profile_uuid = SecureRandom.uuid
@container_profile_a_uuid = SecureRandom.uuid
@container_profile_b_uuid = SecureRandom.uuid

visit "#{STAFF_URL}/container_profiles/new"
fill_in 'container_profile_name_', with: "Container Profile A #{@shared_container_profile_uuid} #{@container_profile_a_uuid}"
fill_in 'container_profile_depth_', with: '1.1'
fill_in 'container_profile_height_', with: '2.2'
fill_in 'container_profile_width_', with: '3.3'
click_on 'Save'
expect(find('.alert.alert-success.with-hide-alert').text).to eq 'Container Profile Created'
url_parts = current_url.split('container_profiles/container_profile_person').pop.split('/')
@container_profile_a_id = url_parts.pop

visit "#{STAFF_URL}/container_profiles/new"
fill_in 'container_profile_name_', with: "Container Profile B #{@shared_container_profile_uuid} #{@container_profile_b_uuid}"
fill_in 'container_profile_depth_', with: '1.1'
fill_in 'container_profile_height_', with: '2.2'
fill_in 'container_profile_width_', with: '3.3'
click_on 'Save'
expect(find('.alert.alert-success.with-hide-alert').text).to eq 'Container Profile Created'
url_parts = current_url.split('container_profiles/container_profile_person').pop.split('/')
@container_profile_b_id = url_parts.pop

Given 'the two Container Profiles are displayed in the search results' do
visit "#{STAFF_URL}/container_profiles"

fill_in 'filter-text', with: @shared_container_profile_uuid

within '.search-filter' do

search_result_rows = all('#tabledSearchResults tbody tr')

expect(search_result_rows.length).to eq 2
expect(search_result_rows[0]).to have_text @container_profile_a_uuid
expect(search_result_rows[1]).to have_text @container_profile_b_uuid

When 'the two Container Profiles A & B are selected' do

When 'the user selects the Container Profile B in the Merge Container Profiles modal' do
find(:css, "[id=\"/container_profiles/#{@container_profile_b_id}\"]").click

When 'the user clicks on {string} in the Confirm Merge Container Profiles modal' do |string|
within '#bulkMergeConfirmModal' do
click_on string

Then 'the Container Profile B view page is displayed' do
expect(current_url).to eq "#{STAFF_URL}/container_profiles/#{@container_profile_b_id}"

Then 'the Container Profile A is deleted' do
visit "#{STAFF_URL}/container_profiles/#{@container_profile_a_id}"

expect(find('h2').text).to eq 'Record Not Found'

expected_text = "The record you've tried to access may no longer exist or you may not have permission to view it."
expect(page).to have_text expected_text

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