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feat: NodeOps playground lite integration (#453)
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* feat: NodeOps playground lite integration

* fix: add nodeops playground lite env


Co-authored-by: pratikbin <[email protected]>
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noed0ps and pratikbin authored Feb 29, 2024
1 parent d563472 commit 918e6fd
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Showing 6 changed files with 308 additions and 1 deletion.
97 changes: 97 additions & 0 deletions components/Ui/Modals/PlaygroundModal.vue
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@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
<script lang="ts">
export default {
inheritAttrs: false,

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import { ref } from 'vue';
import { TransitionChild, Combobox, ComboboxOptions, Dialog, DialogPanel, TransitionRoot } from '@headlessui/vue';
import debounce from 'lodash.debounce';
import { useArticles } from '@/data';
import { ContentMetadata } from '@/domain';
import { Link, NodeOpsLogo } from '@/components/Ui';
isOpen: { type: Boolean, default: false },
const { data: articles, hasArticles } = await useArticles();
const selectedOption = ref();
const onSelectOption = (item: ContentMetadata) => {
if (!item) return;
navigateTo(articles.value?.find(article => article.objectID === item.objectID)?._path);
const emit = defineEmits(['close']);

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<div class="flex flex-1 justify-between items-center">
<!-- <img class="w-[140px]" src="@/assets/images/nodeops.png" /> -->
<NodeOpsLogo class="h-12" />
<div class="flex flex-0 justify-center items-center px-2 cursor-pointer" @click="$emit('close')">Close</div>

class="w-full h-full px-6 overflow-auto bg-white dark:bg-black text-base focus:outline-none z-50"
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<div class="flex items-center space-x-6 self-end">
<Link class="caption !text-gray-600 dark:hover:!text-white outline-none" href=""
>Use Full Playground</Link
<Link class="caption !text-gray-600 dark:hover:!text-white outline-none" href=""
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions components/Ui/NodeOpsLogo.vue
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
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d="M59.2578 17.7971C59.0111 17.7971 58.8878 17.6738 58.8878 17.4271V11.4971C58.8878 11.2505 59.0111 11.1271 59.2578 11.1271H61.5978C62.1944 11.1271 62.6494 11.2855 62.9628 11.6021C63.2761 11.9155 63.4328 12.3705 63.4328 12.9671V13.2671C63.4328 13.8638 63.2761 14.3188 62.9628 14.6321C62.6494 14.9455 62.1944 15.1021 61.5978 15.1021H59.6228V17.4271C59.6228 17.6738 59.5011 17.7971 59.2578 17.7971ZM59.6228 14.3671H61.5978C61.9911 14.3671 62.2728 14.2821 62.4428 14.1121C62.6128 13.9421 62.6978 13.6605 62.6978 13.2671V12.9671C62.6978 12.5738 62.6128 12.2921 62.4428 12.1221C62.2728 11.9488 61.9911 11.8621 61.5978 11.8621H59.6228V14.3671ZM66.3545 17.7971C65.7045 17.7971 65.2228 17.6421 64.9095 17.3321C64.5995 17.0221 64.4445 16.5438 64.4445 15.8971V14.7471C64.4445 14.0905 64.5995 13.6088 64.9095 13.3021C65.2228 12.9921 65.7045 12.8388 66.3545 12.8421H67.1745C67.8245 12.8421 68.3045 12.9971 68.6145 13.3071C68.9245 13.6171 69.0795 14.0971 69.0795 14.7471V15.8871C69.0795 16.5371 68.9245 17.0188 68.6145 17.3321C68.3045 17.6421 67.8245 17.7971 67.1745 17.7971H66.3545ZM65.1795 15.8971C65.1795 16.3405 65.2628 16.6455 65.4295 16.8121C65.5962 16.9788 65.9045 17.0621 66.3545 17.0621H67.1745C67.6245 17.0621 67.9312 16.9788 68.0945 16.8121C68.2612 16.6455 68.3445 16.3371 68.3445 15.8871V14.7471C68.3445 14.2971 68.2612 13.9905 68.0945 13.8271C67.9312 13.6605 67.6245 13.5771 67.1745 13.5771H66.3545C66.0545 13.5771 65.8195 13.6121 65.6495 13.6821C65.4795 13.7521 65.3578 13.8721 65.2845 14.0421C65.2145 14.2121 65.1795 14.4471 65.1795 14.7471V15.8971ZM71.8047 17.7971C71.6047 17.7971 71.473 17.6971 71.4097 17.4971L70.0097 13.3271C69.933 13.1005 70.0113 12.9471 70.2447 12.8671C70.4747 12.7905 70.6297 12.8688 70.7097 13.1021L71.9197 16.6871H71.8047L72.9497 13.1271C73.0163 12.9338 73.1563 12.8371 73.3697 12.8371C73.5763 12.8371 73.708 12.9388 73.7647 13.1421L74.8397 16.6571H74.7397L75.9897 13.0971C76.0763 12.8605 76.233 12.7838 76.4597 12.8671C76.693 12.9505 76.7663 13.1088 76.6797 13.3421L75.1547 17.4971C75.0813 17.6971 74.9413 17.7971 74.7347 17.7971C74.5213 17.7971 74.3847 17.6955 74.3247 17.4921L73.2597 13.9871H73.3647L72.1997 17.4971C72.1697 17.6005 72.1197 17.6771 72.0497 17.7271C71.9797 17.7738 71.898 17.7971 71.8047 17.7971ZM78.3631 15.6171V15.8971C78.3631 16.3405 78.4464 16.6455 78.6131 16.8121C78.7798 16.9788 79.0881 17.0621 79.5381 17.0621H80.3581C80.7248 17.0621 80.9931 17.0238 81.1631 16.9471C81.3364 16.8671 81.4481 16.7288 81.4981 16.5321C81.5248 16.4221 81.5664 16.3371 81.6231 16.2771C81.6831 16.2171 81.7714 16.1871 81.8881 16.1871C82.0114 16.1871 82.1048 16.2205 82.1681 16.2871C82.2314 16.3505 82.2531 16.4438 82.2331 16.5671C82.1698 16.9838 81.9814 17.2938 81.6681 17.4971C81.3581 17.6971 80.9214 17.7971 80.3581 17.7971H79.5381C78.8881 17.7971 78.4064 17.6421 78.0931 17.3321C77.7831 17.0221 77.6281 16.5438 77.6281 15.8971V14.7471C77.6281 14.0871 77.7831 13.6038 78.0931 13.2971C78.4064 12.9871 78.8881 12.8355 79.5381 12.8421H80.3581C81.0081 12.8421 81.4881 12.9971 81.7981 13.3071C82.1081 13.6138 82.2631 14.0938 82.2631 14.7471V15.2471C82.2631 15.4938 82.1414 15.6171 81.8981 15.6171H78.3631ZM79.5381 13.5771C79.0881 13.5705 78.7798 13.6505 78.6131 13.8171C78.4464 13.9838 78.3631 14.2938 78.3631 14.7471V14.8821H81.5281V14.7471C81.5281 14.2971 81.4448 13.9905 81.2781 13.8271C81.1148 13.6605 80.8081 13.5771 80.3581 13.5771H79.5381ZM84.4336 17.7971C84.1869 17.7971 84.0636 17.6738 84.0636 17.4271V13.2071C84.0636 12.9638 84.1869 12.8421 84.4336 12.8421C84.6769 12.8421 84.7986 12.9638 84.7986 13.2071V13.7271C84.9886 13.4371 85.2386 13.2171 85.5486 13.0671C85.8619 12.9171 86.2252 12.8421 86.6386 12.8421C86.8852 12.8421 87.0086 12.9638 87.0086 13.2071C87.0086 13.4538 86.8852 13.5771 86.6386 13.5771C86.0552 13.5771 85.6086 13.6938 85.2986 13.9271C84.9886 14.1571 84.8219 14.4721 84.7986 14.8721V17.4271C84.7986 17.6738 84.6769 17.7971 84.4336 17.7971ZM88.4998 15.6171V15.8971C88.4998 16.3405 88.5831 16.6455 88.7498 16.8121C88.9165 16.9788 89.2248 17.0621 89.6748 17.0621H90.4948C90.8615 17.0621 91.1298 17.0238 91.2998 16.9471C91.4731 16.8671 91.5848 16.7288 91.6348 16.5321C91.6615 16.4221 91.7031 16.3371 91.7598 16.2771C91.8198 16.2171 91.9081 16.1871 92.0248 16.1871C92.1481 16.1871 92.2415 16.2205 92.3048 16.2871C92.3681 16.3505 92.3898 16.4438 92.3698 16.5671C92.3065 16.9838 92.1181 17.2938 91.8048 17.4971C91.4948 17.6971 91.0581 17.7971 90.4948 17.7971H89.6748C89.0248 17.7971 88.5431 17.6421 88.2298 17.3321C87.9198 17.0221 87.7648 16.5438 87.7648 15.8971V14.7471C87.7648 14.0871 87.9198 13.6038 88.2298 13.2971C88.5431 12.9871 89.0248 12.8355 89.6748 12.8421H90.4948C91.1448 12.8421 91.6248 12.9971 91.9348 13.3071C92.2448 13.6138 92.3998 14.0938 92.3998 14.7471V15.2471C92.3998 15.4938 92.2781 15.6171 92.0348 15.6171H88.4998ZM89.6748 13.5771C89.2248 13.5705 88.9165 13.6505 88.7498 13.8171C88.5831 13.9838 88.4998 14.2938 88.4998 14.7471V14.8821H91.6648V14.7471C91.6648 14.2971 91.5815 13.9905 91.4148 13.8271C91.2515 13.6605 90.9448 13.5771 90.4948 13.5771H89.6748ZM95.9053 17.7971C95.2553 17.7971 94.7736 17.6421 94.4603 17.3321C94.1503 17.0188 93.9953 16.5371 93.9953 15.8871V14.7471C93.9953 14.0971 94.1503 13.6171 94.4603 13.3071C94.7736 12.9971 95.2553 12.8421 95.9053 12.8421H97.8953V11.1571C97.8953 10.9138 98.0186 10.7921 98.2653 10.7921C98.5086 10.7921 98.6303 10.9138 98.6303 11.1571V17.4271C98.6303 17.6738 98.5086 17.7971 98.2653 17.7971C98.0186 17.7971 97.8953 17.6738 97.8953 17.4271V17.2371C97.7419 17.4205 97.5353 17.5605 97.2753 17.6571C97.0153 17.7505 96.6853 17.7971 96.2853 17.7971H95.9053ZM95.9053 17.0621H96.2853C96.7519 17.0621 97.1369 16.9971 97.4403 16.8671C97.7436 16.7371 97.8953 16.5388 97.8953 16.2721V13.5771H95.9053C95.4553 13.5771 95.1469 13.6621 94.9803 13.8321C94.8136 13.9988 94.7303 14.3038 94.7303 14.7471V15.8871C94.7303 16.3371 94.8136 16.6455 94.9803 16.8121C95.1503 16.9788 95.4586 17.0621 95.9053 17.0621ZM103.848 17.7971C103.601 17.7971 103.478 17.6738 103.478 17.4271V11.4971C103.478 11.2505 103.601 11.1271 103.848 11.1271H106.458C106.974 11.1271 107.369 11.2621 107.643 11.5321C107.916 11.8021 108.053 12.1905 108.053 12.6971V12.9671C108.053 13.4405 107.903 13.7955 107.603 14.0321C108.149 14.3121 108.423 14.8471 108.423 15.6371V15.9671C108.423 16.5671 108.266 17.0221 107.953 17.3321C107.639 17.6421 107.184 17.7971 106.588 17.7971H103.848ZM104.213 17.0621H106.588C106.978 17.0621 107.258 16.9771 107.428 16.8071C107.601 16.6338 107.688 16.3538 107.688 15.9671V15.6371C107.688 15.2505 107.604 14.9738 107.438 14.8071C107.271 14.6371 106.988 14.5521 106.588 14.5521H104.213V17.0621ZM104.213 13.8171H106.603C106.866 13.8171 107.051 13.7421 107.158 13.5921C107.264 13.4388 107.318 13.2305 107.318 12.9671V12.6971C107.318 12.3938 107.253 12.1788 107.123 12.0521C106.993 11.9255 106.771 11.8621 106.458 11.8621H104.213V13.8171ZM111.32 19.7971C110.854 19.7971 110.505 19.6805 110.275 19.4471C110.049 19.2171 109.935 18.8671 109.935 18.3971C109.935 18.1538 110.057 18.0321 110.3 18.0321C110.547 18.0321 110.67 18.1538 110.67 18.3971C110.67 18.6638 110.712 18.8405 110.795 18.9271C110.882 19.0171 111.057 19.0621 111.32 19.0621H113.19C113.454 19.0621 113.629 19.0171 113.715 18.9271C113.802 18.8405 113.845 18.6638 113.845 18.3971V17.0921C113.649 17.3755 113.414 17.5638 113.14 17.6571C112.867 17.7505 112.564 17.7971 112.23 17.7971H111.81C111.167 17.7971 110.694 17.6455 110.39 17.3421C110.087 17.0388 109.935 16.5688 109.935 15.9321V13.2071C109.935 12.9605 110.057 12.8371 110.3 12.8371C110.547 12.8371 110.67 12.9605 110.67 13.2071V15.9321C110.67 16.3655 110.75 16.6621 110.91 16.8221C111.074 16.9821 111.374 17.0621 111.81 17.0621H112.23C112.79 17.0621 113.199 16.9688 113.455 16.7821C113.715 16.5955 113.845 16.3121 113.845 15.9321V13.2071C113.845 12.9605 113.967 12.8371 114.21 12.8371C114.457 12.8371 114.58 12.9605 114.58 13.2071V18.3971C114.58 18.8671 114.465 19.2171 114.235 19.4471C114.005 19.6805 113.657 19.7971 113.19 19.7971H111.32Z"
d="M60.2082 35.1606H57.9682V25.6126H60.5302L69.5742 32.7386V25.6126H71.8142V35.1606H69.2942L60.2082 27.9506V35.1606ZM73.3015 31.6186C73.3015 29.0426 75.2615 27.8946 79.4055 27.8946C83.5635 27.8946 85.5235 29.0426 85.5235 31.6186C85.5235 34.1806 83.5635 35.3286 79.4055 35.3286C75.2615 35.3286 73.3015 34.1806 73.3015 31.6186ZM75.3875 31.6186C75.3875 33.0046 76.3395 33.5646 79.4055 33.5646C82.4855 33.5646 83.4375 33.0046 83.4375 31.6186C83.4375 30.2326 82.4855 29.6726 79.4055 29.6726C76.3395 29.6726 75.3875 30.2326 75.3875 31.6186ZM95.8133 24.6606H97.9133V35.1606H96.0793L95.9113 34.0826C94.4973 34.7266 92.8173 35.3006 91.0673 35.3006C88.3093 35.3006 86.7273 34.3066 86.7273 31.7026C86.7273 28.8886 88.8273 27.9506 91.9073 27.9506C93.3633 27.9506 94.6933 28.1186 95.8133 28.3146V24.6606ZM88.8133 31.6606C88.8133 33.0186 89.5693 33.5646 91.3893 33.5646C92.7753 33.5646 94.2873 33.2146 95.8133 32.7246V29.9246C94.5953 29.7706 93.0693 29.6446 91.7673 29.6446C89.8773 29.6446 88.8133 30.1906 88.8133 31.6606ZM105.337 33.6766C107.423 33.6766 109.075 33.4106 109.845 33.2706L110.279 34.7966C109.019 35.1046 106.975 35.3426 105.155 35.3426C101.221 35.3426 99.4011 34.3066 99.4011 31.6186C99.4011 28.9726 101.417 27.9086 104.959 27.9086C108.249 27.9086 110.475 28.7626 110.475 31.1706C110.475 31.4646 110.447 31.9546 110.419 32.1226H101.459C101.683 33.3966 102.761 33.6766 105.337 33.6766ZM104.889 29.3366C102.635 29.3366 101.655 29.7566 101.459 31.0026H108.417C108.277 29.8546 107.493 29.3366 104.889 29.3366ZM119.35 35.3426C114.044 35.3426 111.678 33.8166 111.678 30.3866C111.678 26.9566 114.044 25.4306 119.35 25.4306C124.656 25.4306 127.022 26.9566 127.022 30.3866C127.022 33.8166 124.656 35.3426 119.35 35.3426ZM119.35 33.4106C123.452 33.4106 124.754 32.5286 124.754 30.3866C124.754 28.2446 123.452 27.3626 119.35 27.3626C115.248 27.3626 113.918 28.2446 113.918 30.3866C113.918 32.5286 115.248 33.4106 119.35 33.4106ZM130.601 37.7506H128.501V28.0906H130.335L130.503 29.1686C131.931 28.5246 133.681 27.9506 135.487 27.9506C138.133 27.9506 139.687 28.9866 139.687 31.5486C139.687 34.3206 137.657 35.3006 134.577 35.3006C133.163 35.3006 131.763 35.1326 130.601 34.9226V37.7506ZM135.109 29.6866C133.793 29.6866 132.197 30.0366 130.601 30.5406V33.3266C131.833 33.4666 133.373 33.6066 134.689 33.6066C136.579 33.6066 137.601 33.0606 137.601 31.5906C137.601 30.2466 136.887 29.6866 135.109 29.6866ZM151.227 33.2286C151.227 34.8806 149.799 35.3426 146.355 35.3426C144.269 35.3426 142.281 35.0626 141.035 34.7826L141.385 33.4106C142.757 33.6626 144.647 33.9286 146.621 33.9286C148.665 33.9286 149.267 33.8026 149.267 33.2146C149.267 32.5986 148.721 32.5146 147.349 32.4166L144.017 32.2206C141.833 32.0946 140.895 31.5486 140.895 30.0226C140.895 28.2866 142.673 27.8946 146.047 27.8946C147.503 27.8946 149.547 28.1186 150.737 28.3146L150.415 29.7006C148.903 29.4486 147.209 29.2946 145.571 29.2946C143.499 29.2946 142.855 29.4066 142.855 30.0086C142.855 30.5966 143.359 30.6526 144.241 30.7086L147.643 30.9326C150.009 31.0726 151.227 31.5906 151.227 33.2286Z"
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions components/Ui/index.ts
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@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
export { default as ArchwayBrandAndLogo } from './ArchwayBrandAndLogo.vue';
export { default as ArchwayBrand } from './ArchwayBrand.vue';
export { default as ArchwayLogo } from './ArchwayLogo.vue';
export { default as NodeOpsLogo } from './NodeOpsLogo.vue';
export { default as Link } from './Buttons/Link.vue';
export { default as GoToLink } from './Buttons/GoToLink.vue';
export { default as PrimaryButton } from './Buttons/PrimaryButton.vue';
Expand All @@ -9,6 +10,7 @@ export { default as TransparentButton } from './Buttons/TransparentButton.vue';
export { default as AccordionMenu } from './Menus/AccordionMenu.vue';
export { default as TextInput } from './Forms/DefaultTextInput.vue';
export { default as DefaultModal } from './Modals/DefaultModal.vue';
export { default as PlaygroundModal } from './Modals/PlaygroundModal.vue';
export { default as Movie } from './Movie.vue';
export { default as YoutubeMovie } from './YoutubeMovie.vue';
export { default as SwitchColorMode } from './SwitchColorMode.vue';
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