Install new version via NuGet
PM > Install-Package Arcus.Messaging.Health --Version 0.1.0-preview-2
- 3bf423b Use variable group for secrets in CI/release (#46)
- 7c06880 Fix path for github/
- 0829484 Remove conditions for GitHub releases (#45)
- 3523199 Provide basic message pump for Azure Service Bus (#32)
- 610497a FEAT: make HealthReport serialization & TCP health port configurable (#42)
- fdf19db Provide release pipeline for NuGet packages (#31)
- a5637a4 FIX: health report deserialization with individual check (#41)
- abdcbdb DOC: add feature docs for TCP health probe (#40) [ #11 ]
- 070caad Provide a convenient way to opt-in for TCP health probing (#19)
- feb0ead Provide README (#28)
See More
- f5b1d5e Fix packages to push to MyGet (#30)
- f6db473 FEAT: initial health TCP probe (#16)
- f2a0675 Bump rubyzip from 1.2.3 to 2.0.0 in /docs (#13)
- fcd95df Provide basic documentation setup (#12)
- 9a33c59 Provide basic documentation setup
- 84f08d6 Add license to README
- 1238e89 Add MIT license
- 6fecaf5 Merge pull request #10 from stijnmoreels/meta/codeowners
- 7445626 META: configure code owners
- cba49f3 Teaser
This list of changes was auto generated.