Install the Arcus.Messaging packages that you need via NuGet, for instance Arcus.Messaging.Pumps.ServiceBus:
PM > Install-Package Arcus.Messaging.Pumps.ServiceBus --Version 2.1.0
For a complete list of all Arcus.Messaging packages see the documentation.
What's new?
- Provide extension points to Azure Service bus circuit breaker state changes (#459)
Fixes / Changes
- Correct message pump with Azure Service bus receiver, instead of processor (#444)
- Correct message router to only fail on fallback when the message wasn't tried (#442)
- Provide a reason when the Azure Service bus router dead-letters a message (#460)
- 9a85e44 chore(deps): upgrade arcus.testing to v1.2 in unit tests (#473)
- f38dc64 feat(circuit-breaker): add job ID + old/new state change to circuit-breaker transition (#469)
- 9bb1f24 chore: remove references from servicebus (#467)
- 578851e chore: remove references from abstractions (#462)
- 86c5d2b chore: remove references from eventhubs (#466)
- 8f947c6 chore: add dead-letter reason (#465)
- 5ca6a64 chore: slim down used nuget packages (#463)
- ef650a7 feat: add circuit breaker event handlers (#461)
- 458e8ae Change loglevel (#458)
- 0c93d3c fix: use message receiver io processor to correctly stop message pump during circuit breaker (#444) [ #453 ]
See More
- a83a3b3 chore: deploy limited test resources (#452)
- cd6d613 test: remove eventgrid from self-contained eventhubs integration tests (#451)
- 9196498 docs: correct moved routing options (#450)
- 0e5790b test: remove event-grid reference from service-bus integration tests (#446)
- d2dc571 fix: only fail on fallback when az servicebus message wasn't tried (#442)
- f575601 chore: all package upgrades FE docs (#441)
- 401e84d docs: publish v2.0 feature docs (#440)
This list of changes was auto generated.