Install new version via NuGet
> Install-Package Arcus.Security.Secrets.AzureKeyVault -Version 0.1.0-alpha
- 3a513a2 FIX: make 'SecretNotFound' exception corectly serializable (#51)
- eeecba8 Introduce IKeyVaultConfiguration & IKeyVaultAuthenticator (#48)
- accbd87 Improve & Align ARM template with Event Grid (#50)
- 27dae4e Add @SamVanhoutte & @stijnmoreels to Code Owners
- 4bccf40 Update index.md
- 506d338 Introduce ICacheConfiguration (#47)
- 212e8e1 Modularize in decent package structure (#45)
- a6ecb6d Remove all package (#46) [ #21 ]
- a48f94b added arm template for arcus test key vault (#42)
- d9943a8 Generate NuGet packages on build (#43)
See more
- 3126036 CachedSecretProvider and related unit tests (#41)
- f693924 Integration tests (#39)
- b0c5ea1 Key vault support (#35)
- 70dda43 ISecretProvider to Interfaces + Remove Async() (#34)
- b75766a Arcus.Security.Core (#32)
- 4c19800 Configure Netlify (#19) [ #18 ]
- 7b687a7 Point to documentation over inline
- 7f0f631 Update _config.yml
- 2f55c3c Set theme jekyll-theme-slate
- a5c5b64 Set theme jekyll-theme-slate
- f41f639 Create CNAME
- 73a2efd Provide initial basic docs (#17)
- 19e8ad8 Create CNAME
- 5855900 Create CODEOWNERS
- b09f64d Add CI badge
- f1e73d2 Provide empty boilerplate (#12)
- b140a5c Create Support.md
- 3cf5a53 Create Feature_request.md
- be229ad Create Bug_report.md
- 93a336c Update README.md
- a7300f8 Remove NuGet badge for now
- 8f391bc Provide basic README
This list of changes was auto generated.