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Docker Service Broker for CloudFoundry

This a Grails / Groovy application prototyping Docker as a container service to allow rapid CloudFoundry service development and deployment.

CloudFoundry is an elastic runtime that by its definition does not provide services like databases, etc., but instead host custom (web) applications only. Traditionally, BOSH is embraced as the deployment technology for such Service and it's associated broker, which glues together CloudFoudry and the service in a service management life-cycle.

Developing new service by this approach requires development of a service-specific BOSH release, understanding of the BOSH usage and troubleshooting workflows, and, most important - writing the broker itself. While there are open-source examples of releases and brokers available, like spring-boot-cf-service-broker, cf-mysql-release, cf-riak-cs-release, cf-rmq-release, logstash, to name a few that works - this is not a small task.

While there is significant value in using BOSH, some situations may dictate less complex infrastructure.

Luckily, the only thing required for a basic CloudFoundry service broker is an implementation of 5 REST calls of Service Broker API. Combining that with Docker and (optionally) CoreOS, allows us to schedule arbitrary containers in almost generic way.

Some work is still required, though:

  1. Providing metadata about the service for CloudFoundry Service Catalog.
  2. Development of Docker image. This is surely easier than BOSH release.
  3. A piece of custom code, in order of 10-20 lines, to provision (multi-tenant) service for a tenant/app, ie. create user, database, virtual host, etc. (binding in terms of API).


Configure broker.v2.backend = 'docker' in grails-app/conf/Config.groovy and run:

$ grails -reloading run-app    # or
$ ./grailsw run-app

-reloading is required if you want development mode due to GRAILS-10850


The prototype is tested on Google Compute Engine and Amazon Web Services.

Create a new VM that will host the broker, f1-micro or t2.micro is good enough. There are two options to forward traffic to CoreOS instances: HAProxy and GCE network load-balancer - more on that below. To use GCE load-balancer give the VM read-write access to the GCE project Compute resources. Via UI: press Show advanced options on the right top of New instance screen. Under Project Access below, check Enable Compute Engine service account and select Read Write in COMPUTE combo. Alternatively, supply --service_account_scopes=compute to gcutil.

cd coreos/ and edit CoreOS cluster scripts. On GCE, edit, launch CoreOS cluster with ./ On AWS, edit cloudformation.template and launch CoreOS cluster with ./

The CoreOS itself will be ready in a minute, so that you could use etcdctl and fleetctl immediately. But, on GCE (only), wait some 10-20 minutes before you ssh to the nodes, as we pre-seed required docker images via systemd service (see coreos/cloud-config.yml), but due to some init sequence peculiarities ssh keys are not imported from project's metadata by Google user management daemon until this process is done.

Configure broker.v2.backend = 'coreos' in grails-app/conf/Config.groovy together with the rest of required attributes, then run:

$ grails -reloading run-app    # or
$ ./grailsw run-app
HAProxy port forwarder

HAProxy is managed by the broker which sends machine's interface (public) IP to CloudFoundry clients to keep service endpoint address stable.

Install haproxy from packages: apt-get install haproxy, for example. If the hosts supports tmpfiles.d, create one:

echo 'd /run/haproxy 0755 broker broker' > /etc/tmpfiles.d/haproxy.conf

(broker broker being uid/gid of user which is suppose to start the Grails app)

Alternatively, plug in /etc/rc.local:

mkdir /run/haproxy && chown broker:broker /run/haproxy
GCE network load-balancer and protocol forwarder

On Google Compute Engine, there is an option to use load-balancer cloud service instead of HAProxy for an enhanced stability, for an additional small price.

Reserve static IP for protocol forwarding and make necessary changes in Grails app config.

Please note, that there is an outstanding issue with GCE API daily quotas. Because broker actively polls for forwarding rule status, given sufficient number of forwarding rules it is easy to lock-out yourself from any access to the project until quota usage is reset. That happens daily.


Login to CloudFoundry and setup initial space:

$ cf login -a http://api.foundry.dom -u admin -p pass
$ cf create-space demo
$ cf target -o admin -s demo

Register broker with CloudFoundry and make it's plans public:

$ cf create-service-broker docker a b http://broker-vm:8080
$ cf enable-service-access docker


Beta quality software ahead.

The broker is almost stateless and, with some help, will hopefully recover from many errors. Fairly minimal amount of state is kept in ETCD: free port management, try etcdctl ls /cf-docker-broker/ports. Services (containers) are published under /cf-docker-broker/services. Broker does not write this sub-tree, only listen for changes.

Catalog is static and configured in grails-app/controllers/v2/BrokerController.groovy : catalog().

On service creation, create() is invoked:

  1. def plans definition is read and free ports are requested from Portmap Actor. The /cf-docker-broker/ports/next counter is advanced in ETCD.
  2. Two systemd service unit files are generated: (a) service docker container startup, and (b) discovery shell script that publishes information to ETCD from the same host the service is running on, for example: /cf-docker-broker/services/redis-123 => europe-west1-a/ Unit files are submitted to fleetctl.
  3. ETCD is watched by ETCD Watcher thread and changes are sent to Services Actor.
  4. Services Actor maintain some book-keeping to notify outstanding requesters about newly created endpoints. It will create Protocol Forwarding Rule pointing to the (GCE target) instance that host the service in that moment. Thus IP:port is kept stable for CloudFoundry clients. Do service migrate or service publication expire, changes will appear in ETCD and Rule will be updated or deleted. Port will be freed in later case by sending a message to Portmap Actor, that will write it in /cf-docker-broker/ports/free.
  5. Do service randomly re-appear, the port will be erased from free list.
  6. If service has management kind of access port defined with dashboard template, then a dashboard link is generated.
  7. If forwarding is managed by HAProxy, then new config will be periodically generated and haproxy process will be properly restarted.

Next, when service is bound, bind() is invoked:

  1. Service Actor is queried about port mapping. ETCD may not have the information yet. In that case requester is suspended and will be notified later, see above.
  2. Service-specific code kicks-in to setup users, databases, vhosts, etc. in the service instance via its native API (JDBC, REST). You must write this piece of code if your service is bindable. Hope the infrastructure is ready - forwarding is up, service is listening - so that bind won't timeout.

When service is unbound, unbind() is invoked that must erase the credentials, vhosts, etc. Not implemented yet.

When service is deleted, delete() is invoked that removes service units with fleetctl destroy. Changes are propagated via ETCD (expiry by TTL), forwarding rules are deleted, ports are freed.

There is also a short slide-deck.

Lessons learned

  1. Persistent storage (like database tables) with restartable containers is still an enigma with Docker and/or CoreOS. More or less solved by BOSH (with correctly written BOSH release).
  2. Docker default networking is limited. Only works for services that expose (a couple of) static ports. Say goodbye to Asterisk / SIP / RTP. Port management is a burden. Having a separate IP per container, like a VM, is possible, but an entirely your own adventure. Kubernetes people agree.
  3. Even flagship Docker containers are of questionable quality.
  4. Hopefully there are ubuntu-upstart and phusion/baseimage-docker for proper runtime init. People, let start using those! Let restart failed services so that failure won't bubble-up to Docker. (I agree, it depends.)
  5. Overloading a node in CoreOS cluster may not work very well for the whole cluster. Jobs will bounce in hordes overloading other nodes (in case they don't have the capacity), leaving cluster de-facto inoperable. ETCD and Fleet CLI tools will timeout, giving a hard chance to diagnose the problem. systemctl still works, luckily.
  6. Supposed to be resolved. BOSH errands are crap. Booting a VM to run a single command, like curl -X POST to register a broker? Listen, there are more: the VM(-s) is/are here to stay forever even if you don't need it/them anymore. Probably just in case you'll want to run the command again. To dismiss the errand's VM you change the (deployment) manifest and re-deploy to adjust resource pool setup. Who invented that, J2EE architects?
  7. CloudFoundry doesn't work? Good luck finding why. Have a large deployment manifest with 25+ VM-s (?) - ssh randomly across the machines and lure under /var/vcap/sys/log. Got syslog_aggregator: property prudently setup in CloudFoundry deployment manifest? You'll get everything at user.notice syslog facility/severity. Try to write more regexps for logstash - maybe it will help parse those pesky syslogs.
  8. BOSH emits cannot convert string to integer? Look very carefully at deployment manifest. No clue? Ok, ssh to BOSH machine, look into logs over there (in /var/vcap/sys/log). Doesn't work yet? I'm still with you: leave only one resque worker alive: monit summary, monit status, monit stop worker_2, monit stop worker_3 are your friends. Start adding logging to BOSH Ruby gems somewhere under /var/vcap (at least everything is under that legacy-named directory). Then monit restart worker_1. Resubmit the deployment. Wash-repeat.
  9. monit is not spotless.
  10. Surely it was once necessary to repackage everything under /var/vcap to create BOSH release. systemd solved the monit problem at least. Let users use distribution packages - changing --datadir to /var/vcap/somewhere is easier than that!
  11. Stemcells are built in dark undergrounds of inferno. We have a choice of Ubuntu and CentOS. No idea which build do work, or doesn't. Hope go_agent is faster than Ruby one, so it won't take BOSH several minutes to just pick-up a VM.
  12. Last, but not least - CoreOS is beautiful. Someday it may even work.


A CloudFoundry Service Broker for running custom services in Docker containers, optionally on CoreOS (at Google Compute Engine and AWS)






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