A guide for Docker along with examples of Dockerfiles and Docker-compose files.
docker container ls
docker ps
-a = show all containers -q = show all active container ids -ql = show last active container id -qa = all container ids docker start $(docker ps -ql) docker ps -qa | xargs docker stop
docker inspect container_id || container_name
docker start container_id || container_name
docker stop container_id || container_name
docker rm container_id || container_name
Delete all:
docker ps -qa | xargs docker rm -f
docker run base_image_name:tag_name + args_for_ENTRYPOINT --name name_container
- If no local image found, runs Docker pull to check Docker Hub
-it = shell into the running container
-e = environment variable -e PORT...
--rm removes container after shutdown
docker rename container_id || old_container_name new_container_name
docker rm container_id || container_name
docker pull username/image_name:tag_name
- Default tag name is latest
docker images
docker name_of_image:tag_name history
FROM base_image_name:tag_name RUN install x && install y RUN install y COPY file_name + destination WORKDIR starting_directory_for_CMD CMD npm start ENTRYPOINT ["command", "command", "command"] MAINTAINER author_name + author_email EXPOSE port_number ENV environment_var USER command_line_user
RUN installs, commands end after execution always put before COPY src
CMD only executed once per Dockerfile as default command
ENTRYPOINT allows for args to be passed in via terminal with docker run to be executed by ENTRYPOINT overriding a potentially a default CMD
COPY copies directories recursively. All files in the root directory can be selected with . The root directory of the build starts with / for the destination. best practice is . /src/
VOLUME directory to hold persistent data
WORKDIR sets directory for run commands, instead of cd directory_name
ENV can be injected on docker run with -e
USER default is root user
docker build -t name_of_image:tag_name + Dockerfile_location
-q with build = limits output --no-cache = build from scratch
docker push username/image_name:tag_name
docker rmi container_id || container_name
-In order to connect to a container you must publish the exposed ports
You can do this with the -P flag during container creation then run docker ps to find the port mapping
Or you can manually map the port to connect with it using -p exposed_port:container_port
bridge network (same computer) is the default
--net none is null network driver
overlay network (multiple computers)
can use --net to connect new container to existing network
can use same container_name if different networks using --net-alias
docker network ls
docker run -v host_location:container_location
- docker-compose finds all child Dockerfiles to run multiple containers in default bridge network
service_name: build: src_directory image: ports: networks: volumes: environment: command: -build can be written as build: context: ../../jenkins/docker
version: "3" services: postgres: container_name: class_postgres_4 image: postgres:11.1 restart: unless-stopped networks: - my-net ports: - "15432:5432" environment: POSTGRES_USER: "postgres" POSTGRES_PASSWORD: "${MY_PG_PASS}" POSTGRES_DB: "gogs" healthcheck: test: ["CMD", "pg_isready", "-U", "postgres", "-d", "gogs"] interval: 10s timeout: 5s retries: 5 Defining the network via docker-compose: networks: my-net: driver: bridge
docker network ls
docker network create network_name
docker run --net network_name
docker-compose ps
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose down
docker-compose kill
docker-compose rm
docker-compose build
docker volume ls
- New Relic’s Centurion
- Spotify’s Helios
- Ansible’s Docker
- Google’s Kubernetes
- Apache Mesos
- Amazon EC2 Container Service
- Google Container Engine
- Red Hat OpenShift 3
- Joyent Triton
- Microsoft Azure