AdSec-Grasshopper is a plugin for Grasshopper wrapping Oasys AdSec's .NET API. The plugin allows users of Grasshopper to create, edit and analyse AdSec models seemlesly.
Latest | CI Pipeline | Unit Tests | Deployment | Dependencies |
AdSecGH documentation tbd
This repository contains a number of example files that are also used for testing on new releases, please check out the ExampleFiles folder for a growing list of Grasshopper files.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
You will need to setup pre-commit for doing development.
# Setup virtual environment (.venv is excluded by default on the gitignore)
python -m venv .venv
# Activate virtual environment
# Install pre-commit
pip install pre-commit
# Install commitizen
pip install Commitizen
# Install and Add commit-msg and pre-push hook types
pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg --hook-type pre-push
# Setup Hooks (repeat on new branches where the configuration might be different)
pre-commit install
The plugin is free to download but can only be loaded with a license for AdSec API available. Contact Oasys for a free trial. For licensing of AdSec and AdSec API refer to Oasys Software licensing terms.
For third party packages used by AdSec-Grasshopper, the individual licenses apply. See a list of these in the 'License' subfolder of each project.
AdSec-Grasshopper is a plugin for Grasshopper wrapping Oasys AdSec's .NET API. The plugin allows users of Grasshopper to create, edit and analyse AdSec sections seemlesly. AdSecGH requires a licensed version of AdSec API.