Releases: ascott18/TellMeWhen
Releases · ascott18/TellMeWhen
- Classic: Modern APIs added back in WoW 1.15.0 are used for buff/debuff durations and spell casts.
- Fix #2122 - Keyboard input blocked after UI reload in combat when Allow Config In Combat enabled.
- Fix #2132 - attempt to index field 'SuggestionList' (a nil value).
- Fix #2131 - Additional scenarios where current talent loadout can be unknown.
- Version bumps for all WoW versions.
- Fixed classic client detection.
- Fix #2119 - Handle Blizzard's new, poorly-introduced range check restrictions.
- Fix #2121 - Efflorescence is now just a buff, no longer a totem. If you were using the Efflorescence icon type (which will now just show as "Totem"), switch to using a buff/debuff icon.
- Workaround #2114 - Most textures become Avenging Wrath when Avenging Wrath is glyphed.
- Support for WoW Classic Era 1.14.4. The classic era codebase has been merged into the main codebase, so some features that don't support classic may be present in a non-working state.
- The "Buff - Number Of" and "Debuff - Number Of" conditions now support tracking multiple units (e.g.
group 1-40
). (#1989) - Fix #2066 - Enrage effects were not being stored properly when fetching auras for noncached units.
- Fix #2059 - Condition update were not happening at the proper time for spell cooldown conditions.
- Fix #2038 - Fix more scenarios in which talent loadout name is not available immediately after talent events fire.
- Fix #2075 - Spell cast percent completion was not filtering by name.
- Fix #2072 - Swing timer monitors were not initializing dual-wield state until an equipment change was observed.
- Fix #2071 - Tooltip Number conditions not working on retail. Also switched these conditions to use modern APIs, resulting in substantially better performance.
- Workaround #1978, #2055 - Add hardcoded workarounds for a few reported covenant abilities that can't be tracked properly by name (Soul Rot, Adaptive Swarm).
- Workaround #2065 - Blizzard's cooldown bling effect ignores opacity, so suppress it for hidden icons.
- #2054 - Workaround Blizzard issue breaking tracking Execute cooldown by name.
- Workaround rare aura tracking error in arenas (Auras.lua:302: attempt to index local "instance" (a nil value)).
- Try to fix issues with
unit handling when focused arena teammates join a match after you. - Wrath: #2046 - Blizzard moved GetItemCooldown for no good reason.
- Wrath: Fix Talents.lua:399: attempt to index global 'C_ClassTalents' (a nil value) and other similar errors.
- #2053 - Fix an issue that broke tracking of Void Eruption and other similar spells in 10.0.6.