Releases: ascott18/TellMeWhen
Releases · ascott18/TellMeWhen
- Fixed up diminishing returns categories
- Reworked suggestion list for totems to make it clear that the actual totem name is the correct input.
- Adjusted the totem icon type to allow for matching ranks by spell ID, and to allow matching any rank by entering the name of the rank 1 version of the totem.
- Reintroduced the Guardians icon type for temporary pets like Water Elemental, Shadowfiend, etc.
- #1901 - Reintroduced the threat conditions.
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Bug Fixes
- Fixed #1886 - invalid key to "next" (new version of LibDogTag-Unit-3.0 should resolve this).
- Fixed #1889 - error thrown when attempting to import corrupted strings
- Fixed #1897 - attempt to call method 'SetBackdrop' (a nil value)
- Fix LibRangeCheck errors (switched to WeakAuras fork of LRC).
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Bug Fixes
- Fixed #1886 - invalid key to "next" (new version of LibDogTag-Unit-3.0 should resolve this).
- Fixed #1889 - error thrown when attempting to import corrupted strings
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Bug Fixes
- Fixed an error with the
DogTag breaking when LibDogTag-Unit gets upgraded after TMW loads.
- Fixed incorrect labels on Text Display editboxes after changing an icon's text layout.
- Fixed #1868 - Lua errors and broken sliders in WoW 9.0.5.
- New Condition: Torghast Anima Power Count
- New Condition: Soulbind Active
- #1811 - The group/target point of a group will now be preserved when moving a shrunk group via click-and-drag.
Bug Fixes
- #1840 - Talents granted by Torghast powers are now correctly reflected by the Talent Learned condition.
- #1844 - The Totem icon type has been updated for Monks to better support the wide range of "totems" that Monks have.
- #1842 - Fixed handling of Shadowlands legendaries in item suggestion lists
Bug Fixes
- #1824 - Fix incorrect detection of Defensive mode in the Pet Attack Mode condition.
- #1828 - Fix tooltips mentioning obsolete ways of tracking PvP trinkets.
- #1829 - Fixed Guardians icon type Felguard timer (15 -> 17 seconds).
- #1831 - Blacklist "Sinful Revelation" from the last cast condition
- #1819 - Cloning notifications will now always clone all condition settings for condition-based triggers.
- #1821 - Fix errors caused by Brewmaster stagger APIs returning nil in loading screens.
- #1822 - All-Unit Buffs/Debuffs icons configured to only show when All Absent should now function as such.
Bug Fixes
- #1814 - Fix issues with range checking for some abilities
- #1815 - Fix Weapon Imbue icon type & conditions
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Fire Resistance Totem being classified as a fire totem rather than a water totem.
- Fix #1761 - Earth and Water totems were switched with one another.
Bug Fixes
- Fix #1762 - Suggestion list insertion via left-click not working due to bizarre new focus-clearing mechanism in WoW 8.3.
- Added a new "Any Totem" condition that will check all totem slots.
Bug Fixes
- Fix #1742 - Errors related to improper escaping of user input for the suggestion list.
- Fix #1755 - Swing Timer conditions with durations other than zero seconds were not triggering updates at the proper moment.