Sample project of Android GUI test automation using Espresso, Cucumber and the Page Object Pattern
The code in this repository serves as a support example of all the test solutions discussed in this published article:
Open the project in Android Studio and select the gradle task 'connectedCheck'
Alternative, from the command line run gradlew connectedCheck
Cucumber supports filtering execution of test scenarios with tags (i.e. @login-scenarios). To filter by tags you have the following options (which can't be combined):
- Hard coded tags in annotation
- Use parameters in command line like
./gradlew connectedAndroidTest -Ptags="@login-scenarios,@kitkat"
- In Android Studio create a new configuration of type
Android Tests
and under theExtra options
add something like-e tags @login-scenarios,@kitkat
More information about how to use and combine Cucumber tags here.
Note: Make sure to connect a phone to the computer or start an emulator before running the tests.
The sample test code can be summarized in these three elements:
1- Feature file describing the test scenario in English:
@ScenarioId("MyApp-135") @login-scenarios
Scenario: User can login with valid user name and password
Given I see the login page
When I login with user name "Sebas" and password "passion"
Then I see the welcome page
And the title is "Welcome Sebas"
2- Java glue code to translate English to Java (this is a step definition):
@Given("^I see the login page$")
public void i_see_the_login_page() {
mCurrentPage = new LoginPage();
@When("^I login with user name \"(.+)\" and password \"(.+)\"$")
public void i_login_with_username_and_password(final String userName, final String password) {
mCurrentPage =, password);
@Then("^I see the welcome page$")
public void i_see_the_welcome_page() {;
@And("^the title is \"(.+)\"$")
public void the_title_is(final String title) {;
3- Page Object class implementing the interactions between tests and tested application:
* Perform the login and return the next Welcome page/view
* @param userName Name of the user to login
* @param password Password of the user to login
* @return Welcome page/view
public WelcomePage doLogin(String userName, String password) {
onView(withId(, closeSoftKeyboard());
return new WelcomePage();
When the code of your application and tests mature enough you will be doing things like this:
- A test step from a test scenario that can be reused across multiple tests:
Given I login into premium account
- The step definition describes a lot of steps that need to happen to perform the requested action:
@Given("^I login into premium account$")
public void i_log_in_to_premium() {
mCurrentPage = mCurrentPage
This step definition still hides most of the implementation details inside the Page Objects that contain the actual how-to communicate with the tested application.
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