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microcosm: links

this repo contains libraries and apps for working with cross-record references in at-protocol.

A global atproto backlink index ✨

  • Self hostable: handles the full write throughput of the global atproto firehose on a raspberry pi 4b + single SSD
  • Storage efficient: less than 2GB/day disk consumption indexing all references in all lexicons and all non-atproto URLs
  • Handles record deletion, account de/re-activation, and account deletion, ensuring accurate link counts and respecting users data choices
  • Simple JSON API

All social interactions in atproto tend to be represented by links (or references) between PDS records. This index can answer questions like "how many likes does a bsky post have", "who follows an account", "what are all the comments on a frontpage post", and more.

note: the public instance currently runs on a little raspberry pi in my house, feel free to use it! it comes with only with best-effort uptime, no commitment to not breaking the api for now, and possible rate-limiting. if you want to be nice you can put your project name and bsky username (or email) in your user-agent header for api requests.

App: Spacedust

A notification subscription service 💫

using the same "link source" concept as constellation, offer webhook notifications for new references created to records

  • status: in design

Library: links

A rust crate (not published on yet) for optimistically parsing links out of arbitrary atproto PDS records, and potentially canonicalizing them

  • status: unstable, might remain an internal lib for constellation (and spacedust, soon)

old notes follow, ignore

as far as i can tell, atproto lexicons today don't follow much of a convention for referencing across documents: sometimes it's a StrongRef, sometimes it's a DID, sometimes it's a bare at-uri. lexicon authors choose any old link-sounding key name for the key in their document.

it's pretty messy so embrace the mess: atproto wants to be part of the web, so this library will also extract URLs and other URIs if you want it to. all the links.


the atproto firehose that bluesky sprays at you will contain raw contents from peoples' pdses. these are isolated, decontextualized updates. it's very easy to build some kinds of interesting downstream apps off of this feed.

  • bluesky posts (firesky, deletions, )
  • blueksy post stats (emojis, )
  • trending keywords ()

but bringing almost kind of context into your project requires a big step up in complexity and potentially cost: you're entering "appview" territory. how many likes does a post have? who follows this account?

you own your atproto data: it's kept in your personal data repository (PDS) and noone else can write to it. when someone likes your post, they create a "like" record in their own pds, and that like belongs to them, not to you/your post.

in the firehose you'll see a record created, with no details about who has liked it. then you'll see separate records show up for each like that comes in on that post, with no context about the post except a random-looking reference to it. storing these in order to do so is up to you!

so, why

everything is links, and they're a mess, but they all kinda work the same, so maybe some tooling can bring down that big step in complexity from firehose raw-content apps -> apps requiring any social context.

everything is links:

  • likes
  • follows
  • blocks
  • reposts
  • quotes

some low-level things you could make from links:

  • notification streams (part of ucosm)
  • a global reverse index (part of ucosm)

i think that making these low-level services as easy to use as jetstream could open up pathways for building more atproto apps that operate at full scale with interesting features for reasonable effort at low cost to operate.

extracting links

  • low-level: pass a &str of a field value and get a parsed link back

  • med-level: pass a &str of record in json form and get a list of parsed links + json paths back. (todo: should also handle dag-cbor prob?)

  • high-ish level: pass the json record and maybe apply some pre-loaded rules based on known lexicons to get the best result.

for now, a link is only considered if it matches for the entire value of the record's field -- links embedded in text content are not included. note that urls in bluesky posts will still be extracted, since they are broken out into facets.

resolving / canonicalizing links


every at-uri has at least two equivalent forms, one with a DID, and one with an account handle. the at-uri spec illustrates this by example:

  • at://did:plc:44ybard66vv44zksje25o7dz/
  • at://

some applications, like a reverse link index, may wish to canonicalize at-uris to a single form. the DID-form is stable as an account changes its handle and probably the right choice to canonicalize to, but maybe some apps would actually perfer to canonicalise to handles?

hopefully atrium will make it easy to resolve at-uris.


canonicalizing URLs is more annoying but also a bit more established. lots of details.

  • do we have to deal with punycode?
  • follow redirects (todo: only permanent ones, or all?)
  • check for rel=canonical http header and possibly follow it
  • check link rel=canonical meta tag and possibly follow it
  • do we need to check site maps??
  • do we have to care at all about AMP?
  • do we want anything to do with url shorteners??
  • how do multilingual sites affect this?
  • do we have to care about script type="application/ld+json" ???

ugh. is there a crate for this.

relative uris?

links might be relative, in which case they might need to be made absolute before being useful. is that a concern for this library, or up to the user? (seems like we might not have context here to determine its absolute)


there should be a few async functions available to canonicalize already-parsed links.

  • what happens if a link can't be resolved?

  • using tinyjson because it's nice -- maybe should switch to serde_json to share deps with atrium?

  • would use atrium for parsing at-uris, but it's not in there. there's a did-only version in the non-lib its identifier parser is strict to did + handle, which makes sense, but for our purposes we might want to allow unknown methods too?

    • rsky-syntax has an aturi
    • adenosyne also
    • might come back to these


ROCKSDB_LIB_DIR=/nix/store/z2chn0hsik0clridr8mlprx1cngh1g3c-rocksdb-9.7.3/lib/ cargo build


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Contributors 3
