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@Aryamanz29 Aryamanz29 released this 26 Feb 16:49
· 57 commits to main since this release

🎉 New Features

  • Added a new method DataProduct.get_assets() that retrieves a list of all assets linked to the provided data product.
  • Made DSL.query and DSL.post_filter more flexible to accept both raw dictionaries and Python objects, i.e: Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], Query]]. This change allows users to construct DSL objects directly with raw DSL dictionaries, e.g: DSL(**raw_dsl).
  • Added creator_with_prefix() methods to GCSObject and ADLSObject.
  • Added a model utility method (construct_object_key()) to construct a consistent objectKey for object store assets, which is currently used by creator_with_prefix().

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the creator_with_prefix() method to use an empty prefix "" (representing the root path) for object store assets.
  • Fixed SearchLogResults edge cases — when entityGuidsAll is empty [] or "undefined" in the request DSL.

🥗 QOL Improvements

  • Generated the latest typedef models.
  • Upgraded SDK dependencies (main, dev, and tooling) to the latest versions.
  • Replaced the existing linter and formatter stack (black, flake8, isort, autoflake8) with ruff, significantly reducing development and QA check times while consolidating all configurations into a single file.

⛑️ Breaking Changes

  • bucket_name and adls_container_name are now mandatory for GCSObject.creator() and ADLSObject.creator(), respectively.
  • Changed the default behavior for tag propagation to False by default. This means:
    • remove_propagations_on_entity_delete is now True by default.
    • propagate, restrict_propagation_through_lineage, and restrict_propagation_through_hierarchy are now False by default.

Full Changelog: 4.2.5...5.0.0