Mongoose Model Organization
The Mongoose-Organizer provides a factory utility that allows you to organize Mongoose models using declarative configuration.
| └───index.js (Uses mongoose-organizer to autowire the model)
| └───User.definition.js (Mongoose definition object)
| └───User.methods.js (An object of schema-methods by name)
| └───User.handlers.js (An array of event handler implementations e.g. pre-save)
| └───User.virtuals.js (An array of virtual properties)
By using the 'autowire' function, the mongoose-organizer will reflect over your model's path and load in model components.
// Index.js
let organizer = require('mongoose-organizer');
module.exports = organizer.autowire('User', __dirname, {<optional configuration overrides>});
By using the 'makeSchema' function, the mongoose-organizer can use inline configuration.
let organizer = require('mongoose-organizer');
module.exports = makeSchema({<configuration object>}
- name (required) - The name of the model
- definition / definitionPath (required) - The explicit Mongoose schema definition, or a path to the schema definition.
- options / optionsPath (optional) - The explicit Mongoose schema options, or a path to the schema options. Default value is:
toJSON: {virtual: true},
toObject: {virtuals: true}
- methods / methodsPath (optional) - An object of methods by name.
module.exports = {
myFancyFunction: function() {
- virtuals / virtualsPath (optional) - An array of virtual property definitions
module.exports = [
name: '<virtual path>'
get: <optional getter function>
set: <optional setter function>
- handlers / handlersPath (optional) - An array of event handler definitions
module.exports = [
type: 'pre',
event: 'save',
description: '<a useful description of the handler>',
handler: (done) => {...}