Playflow defines RESTful web services for a kanban-style factory workflow using the Play Framework, version 2.4.2.
- install java 1.8
- install Play Framework activator 2.4.2
to playflow project directory- do
activator test
to run tests - do
activator run
to run the application - go to http://localhost:9000/api to view the api
There are many open source factory workflow projects, but they are complex and difficult to adapt to specific projects. Playflow is basic enough to be easily adaptable to any workflow where users complete work at a given set of stations. Work items are moved from state to state and from station to station using RESTful API calls. An auditing trail is automatically recorded for all state transitions. This project provides a serious head-start for projects with these kinds of workflow requirements, and, since it is implemented in Play Framework, it is also fun and good for your health.
Kanban workflow: a style of workflow where workers can choose what they want to work on from a 'free queue' (see below).
Project: Has a set of Work Items to be processed.
Work Item: a piece of work that is completed via the set of stations in a factory. It may, but doesn't need to be, part of a project.
Work Item History: an auditing record of a work item's State transitions. A transition is added to the history every time a work item is processed, changes assignee, or moves to a different station (service calls
, andnext
--see below-- all invoke state transitions). -
Work Item State: Can be
(not yet in a factory),UNASSIGNED
(at a a factory station but not yet assigned to station worker),IN_PROCESS
(being worked on by station worker),PROCESSED
(work completed by a station worker), orCOMPLETED
(all work at at all stations in the factory has been completed). -
Project State: Can be
(at least one project work item not yet in a factory),IN_PROCESS
(no initial work items and at least one work item still being worked on at factory stations), orCOMPLETED
(all work items in the project have been completed). Note that projects do not have a separate audit history as project history is just the sum of all the histories of its work items. -
Factory: Has an assembly line for processing a project's work items.
Assembly Line: Has a set of stations in which work items are processed.
Station: Has workers that process work items.
Worker: a user that processes work items at a particular station.
Free Queue: a station's work items that have not yet been claimed by a Worker (i.e. work items without an
) -
Service Call: service call that assigns a project to a factory (puts the project's work items into the first station in the factory's assembly line). -
Work item
Service Call: service call that assigns a work item to a worker (assignee
). -
Work item
Service Call: service call that indicates that a work item has been processed by a worker at a station. -
Work item
Service Call: service call that transitions a work item to the next station.
Admin needs to see all the factories, with all the stations, with all the work items at those stations:
- use
service to get all factories - use
service to get the stations at each of those factories - use
to get the list of work items at each station.
Admin needs to create a new factory:
- use
service with factory payload to create a factory - use
service with station payload specifying previously created factory
Admin needs to see which projects are complete:
- use
Admin needs to check which stations a project is at:
- use
Admin needs to create a new project with work items:
- use
service with project payload to create a project. - use
service with work item payload specifying previously created project.
Admin needs to move a project into a factory:
- use
Admin needs to move a project out of all factories:
- use
service without specifying a factoryId
Worker needs to see work items he has been assigned but has not completed:
- use
Worker needs to see which stations she is responsible for and process work at one of those stations:
- use
to get the list of user stations - use
to get the list of unassigned items at a particular station. - use
to assign one of those unassigned work items to the worker. - use
service to indicate item has been processed. - use
to get thenextStationId
. - use
service to move the item to the next station.
Admin needs to move a worker's items back to the station's free queue because the worker is sick.
- use
to get all the sick worker's work items. - use
service without specifying an assigneeId to move them back to an unassigned state at the current station.
Which databases are compatible with playflow?
- An in-memory H2 database is built-in for testing. Your application can use any SQL database. Just configure play with the jdbc driver and url.
Can a Factory have QA?
- Yes, just add a station for QA directly after the station that needs to be
QAed. From the QA station, use the
service with the previous station's ID specified as a parameter to reject a Work Item to the previous station.
Can a Factory have a gating Station before Work Items enter an Assembly Line or before Work Items are released from the factory?
- Yes, a factory manager, for example, can be assigned as the sole worker in the first Station. He can then be the one to gate work for the rest of the assembly line. Likewise, a factory manager can be assigned as the sole worker in the last station gating release of the project.
Do stations in an assembly line need to be ordered?
- No. A station object may or may not specify a next station and even
if it does specify a next station, nothing enforces this ordering
(your application can either use or ignore this information when
specifying a
parameter for thenext
service call).
Can a Factory have branching and merging stations?
- Yes. The branch
must be specified in the parameters ofnext
service call. Merging is handled in the same way (by specifying the mergestationId
in thenext
service call).
Can a Factory have two assembly lines?
- No. A factory has only one assembly line, but you can simulate the presence of multiple assembly lines by branching (see above).
Can work items be transfered to a different factory?
- Yes. Any
at any factory can be specified in thenext
service call.
Can a project be split between two or more factories?
- Yes. Any work item can be assigned to any station at any factory via the
service call. The projectassign
convenience method, however, assigns the entire project to a single factory.
Can work items be reassigned to a different worker?
- Yes. Use the
service to reassign Work Items.
Do projects move sequentially or concurrently through the assembly line?
- Concurrently (they move at whatever pace the workers at the various stations finish the project's work items). This means that a single worker at a single station may simultaneously have work items from several different projects in his or her work queue. Use projectId to distinguish the different projects returned from the Work Items services.
Are any of the objects validated? For example, does a Factory need to be
created with a first and last station? Or do Work Items need to have a
particular state before they can be the subject of an assign
or next
service call?
- No, objects are not validated at creation time, nor at any other time excepting when a project is assigned to a factory that doesn't have a first station or a service is being called for an object that doesn't exist. Your application can add additional validation.
Where are completed work items stored?
- A workItem can only be completed after being processed in a factory's last station(s) so completed work items will always be stored at that last station(s).
(Services expect and return JSON. Specifics at http://localhost:9000/api)
GET /api/projects
GET /api/projects/<projectId>
POST /api/projects
PUT /api/projects/<projectId>
DELETE /api/projects/<projectId>
POST /api/projects/<projectId>/assign
Work Items:
GET /api/workItems
GET /api/workItems/<workItemId>
POST /api/workItems
PUT /api/workItems/<workItemId>
DELETE /api/workItems/<workItemId>
POST /api/workItems/<workItemId>/assign
POST /api/workItems/<workItemId>/process
POST /api/workItems/<workItemId>/next
GET /api/workItems/<workItemId>/history
GET /api/factories
GET /api/factories/<factoryId>
POST /api/factories
PUT /api/factories/<factoryId>
DELETE /api/factories/<factoryId>
GET /api/stations
GET /api/stations/<stationId>
POST /api/stations
PUT /api/stations/<stationId>
DELETE /api/stations/<stationId>
GET /api/users
GET /api/users/<userId>
POST /api/users
PUT /api/users/<userId>
DELETE /api/users/<userId>