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HATEOAS Integration Testing

Restwalker is a tool for integration testing RESTFUL services with HATEOAS hyperlinking. It uses a DSL to describe the traversal of services via rel names.

The Service Walker

The service walker accepts a series of commands, which may be strings, functions, or arrays, and interacts with a RESTful services using the commands.

invoke - Invokes a RESTful interation sequence.

walker.invoke(commmands, context)

  • commands (array of ScriptCommand, required) - The integration testing commands to run in order.
    • function - When the item is a function, it is executed using context as the this context.
    • string - When the item is a string, a RESTful interaction is parsed using the DSL and executed.
    • array - When the item is an array of strings, RESTful interactions are executed in parallel.
  • context (object, optional, default={}) - The context object to associate with the interaction script.


<path> <commands>


The path describes a rel-based route to a specific invocation on a resource.

<pathitem>.<pathitem>.<pathitem>... A path must start with the name of a proprety name (resolved on the context object), or root, which represents the service root. Path items are delimited by ..


<rel><qualifier> Each path item contains a rel-name to follow and any qualifiers to apply to the invocation. The following qualifiers are recognized:

  • query-argument qualifier - Applies a Query Argument to the invocation. ${<query-argument>}. e.g. root.view_list${itemCount=100}
  • array indexer qualifier - Assumes the result of an invocation is a collection. The result of the traversal step is the item at the specified index. [index] e.g. root.view_list[1]


Commmands describe interactions with the result of service invocations.

Command Types

  • with - with <propertyName> These commands use the value of propertyName on the context object to invoke an endpoint that accepts a payload. e.g. root.create_listing with listingData
  • as - as <propertyName These commands populate the value of propertyName on the context object as the result of the service invocation. e.g. root.view_profile as profile
  • emits - emits <statusCode> - Performs an assertion that the service emits a status code as the result of an invocation. e.g. root.view_list[0].delete emits 204


var script = [
   'root.login with credentials as user'
   'user.view_profile as profile'
   function() { expect(profile.password); }
   'user.delete emits 204'
var context = { username: 'mr_test', password: 'derp' }
walker.invoke(script, context);


HATEOAS Integration Testing







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