Automatiko Examples 0.11.0 release
What's Changed
- updates to function flow examples based on enhanced capabilities by @mswiderski in #19
- upgrade of quarkus and adjustments to test based on function flow ver… by @mswiderski in #20
- upgrade of apache camel quarkus to 2.4.0 by @mswiderski in #21
- added omboarding example that is workflow as function flow with inter… by @mswiderski in #22
- added user registration as function (azure, gcp, lambda) example by @mswiderski in #23
- Development by @mswiderski in #24
- release commits integration by @mswiderski in #25
- explicitly declated decision dmn dependency for projects using dmn by @mswiderski in #26
- upgraded version of quarkus and camel by @mswiderski in #27
- upgraded quarkus to latest version by @mswiderski in #28
Full Changelog: v0.9.0...v0.11.0