oracdc is a software package for near real-time data integration and replication in heterogeneous IT environments. oracdc consist of two Apache Kafka Source Connector's and JDBC sink connector. oracdc provides data integration, transactional change data capture, and data replication between operational and analytical IT systems. Starting from Oracle RDBMS 12c various Oracle tools for CDC and/or replication are deprecated and desupported and replaced by Oracle Golden Gate. This project is not intended to be 100% replacement of expensive Oracle Golden Gate licenses however may help in many practical cases. Project was tested using Oracle E-Business Suite customer instance for transferring various information (mostly INV, ONT, WSH, GL & XLA tables) to further reporting and analytics in PostgreSQL database. We tested both short transactions (human data entry) and long transactions (various accounting programs) changing millions of rows in dozens of tables (description of some tables used: WSH_NEW_DELIVERIES, WSH_DELIVERY_ASSIGNMENTS, WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS). oracdc Source Connector's compatible with Oracle RDBMS versions 10g, 11g, 12c, 18c, 19c, 21c, 23c, and 23ai. If you need support for Oracle Database 9i and please send us an email at [email protected].
This Source Connector uses Oracle LogMiner as source for data changes. Connector is designed to minimize the side effects of using Oracle LogMiner, even for Oracle RDBMS versions with DBMS_LOGMNR.CONTINUOUS_MINE feature support oracdc does not use it. Instead, oracdc reads V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS and saves information with V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS.OPERATION in ('INSERT', 'DELETE', 'UPDATE') in Java off-heap memory structures provided by Chronicle Queue. This approach minimizes the load on the Oracle database server, but requires additional disk space on the server with oracdc installed. Since version 2.0, the connector supports online redo log processing when a2.process.online.redo.logs
is set to true. Starting from version 1.5 in addition to Chronicle Queue, the use of Java Heap Structures is also supported. Large object operations are not supported in this mode, but you do not need any disk space to store the Chronicle Queue in memory-mapped files. To enable this mode you need to set a2.transaction.implementation=ArrayList
and also you need to set Java heap size to the appropriate value using JVM -Xmx option.
oracdc's solutions.a2.cdc.oracle.OraCdcLogMinerConnector connects to the following configurations of Oracle RDBMS:
- Standalone instance, or Primary Database of Oracle DataGuard Cluster/Oracle Active DataGuard Cluster, i.e. V$DATABASE.OPEN_MODE = READ WRITE
- Physical Standby Database of Oracle Active DataGuard cluster, i.e. V$DATABASE.OPEN_MODE = READ ONLY
- Physical Standby Database of Oracle DataGuard cluster, i.e. V$DATABASE.OPEN_MODE = MOUNTED. In this mode, a physical standby database is used to retrieve data using LogMiner and connection to primary database is used to perform strictly limited number of queries to data dictionary (ALL|CDB_OBJECTS, ALL|CDB_TABLES, and ALL|CDB_TAB_COLUMNS). When running against single instance physical standby for Oracle RAC connector automatically detects opened redo threads and starts required number of connector tasks (max.tasks parameter must be equal to or greater than the number of redo threads). This option allows you to promote a physical standby database to source of replication, eliminates LogMiner overhead from primary database, and decreases TCO of Oracle Database.
- Running in distributed configuration when the source database generates redo log files and also contains a dictionary and target database is a compatible mining database (see Figure 25-1 in Using LogMiner to Analyze Redo Log Files). N.B. Currently only non-CDB distributed database configuration has been tested, tests for CDB distributed database configuration are in progress now.
- Oracle RAC Database. For a detailed description of how to configure oracdc to work with Oracle RAC please see What about Oracle RAC?.
solutions.a2.cdc.oracle.OraCdcLogMinerConnector publishes a number of metrics about the connector’s activities that can be monitored through JMX. For complete list of metrics please refer to LOGMINER-METRICS.md
Oracle Database SecureFiles and Large Objects i.e. LOB's are supported from v0.9.7 when parameter a2.process.lobs
set to true. CLOB type supported only for columns with DBA_LOBS.FORMAT='ENDIAN NEUTRAL'. If you need support for CLOB columns with DBA_LOBS.FORMAT='ENDIAN SPECIFIC' or XMLTYPE please send us an email at [email protected].
SYS.XMLTYPE data are supported from v0.9.8.2 when parameter a2.process.lobs
set to true.
For processing LOB's and SYS.XMLTYPE please do not forget to set Apache Kafka parameters according to size of LOB's:
- For Source connector: producer.max.request.size
- For broker: replica.fetch.max.bytes and message.max.bytes By default CLOB, NCLOB, and SYS.XMLTYPE data are compressed using LZ4 compression algorithm.
Oracle LogMiner generate unparseable (at moment) output when operates without connection to dictionary. Currently oracdc ignores these operations. Starting from oracdc v1.2.2 additional debug information about these operations is printed to log. If you need support for these operations please send us an email at [email protected]
Apache Kafka is not meant to handle large messages with size over 1MB. But Oracle RDBMS often is used as storage for unstructured information too. For breaking this barrier we designed LOB transformation features. Imagine that you have a table with following structure
Name Null? Type
----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------
and you need the data in this table including BLOB column FILE_DATA
in the reporting subsystem, which is implemented in different database management system with limited large object support like Snowflake and you have very strict constraints for traffic through Apache Kafka brokers. The best way to solve the problem is in Reddite quae sunt Caesaris Caesari et quae sunt Dei Deo where RDBMS will perform all data manipulation and object storage will be used for storing large objects instead of storing it in BLOB column FILE_DATA
. To achieve this:
- Create transformation implementation class
package com.example.oracdc;
import solutions.a2.cdc.oracle.data.OraCdcLobTransformationsIntf;
// more imports required
public class TransformScannedDataInBlobs implements OraCdcLobTransformationsIntf {
public Schema transformSchema(String pdbName, String tableOwner, String tableName, OraColumn lobColumn,
SchemaBuilder valueSchema) {
if ("FND_LOBS".equals(tableName) &&
"FILE_DATA".equals(lobColumn.getColumnName())) {
final SchemaBuilder transformedSchemaBuilder = SchemaBuilder
transformedSchemaBuilder.field("S3_URL", Schema.OPTIONAL_STRING_SCHEMA);
valueSchema.field(lobColumn.getColumnName(), transformedSchemaBuilder.build());
return transformedSchemaBuilder.build();
} else {
return OraCdcLobTransformationsIntf.super.transformSchema(
pdbName, tableOwner, tableName, lobColumn,valueSchema);
public Struct transformData(String pdbName, String tableOwner, String tableName, OraColumn lobColumn, byte[] content, Struct keyStruct, Schema valueSchema) {
if ("FND_LOBS".equals(tableName) &&
"FILE_DATA".equals(lobColumn.getColumnName())) {
final Struct valueStruct = new Struct(valueSchema);
// ...
// ...
final S3Client s3Client = S3Client
final PutObjectRequest por = PutObjectRequest
s3Client.putObject(por, RequestBody.fromBytes(content));
// ...
valueStruct.put("S3_URL", s3ObjectKey);
return valueStruct;
return null;
- Set required oracdc parameters
Unfortunately, for operations on the JSON data type, the result is returned as (below is results for transaction which includes JSON datatype)
select SQL_REDO from V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS where XID='01000E0078020000';
set transaction read write
6 rows selected.
alter system dump logfile '/path-to-archived-log-file' scn min XXXXXXXXX scn max YYYYYYYYY;
shows correct values in redo block. This checked using all available Oracle RDBMS 21c patchsets and Oracle RDBMS 23c (21.3, 21.4, 21.5, 21.6, 23.2, and 23.3). Unfortunately, JSON data type is not contained in LogMiner's Supported Data Types and Table Storage Attributes, nor in the Unsupported Data Types and Table Storage Attributes. We are watching the status of this issue.
Unfortunately, for operations on the BOOLEAN data type, the result is returned as (below is results for transaction which includes BOOLEAN datatype)
select SQL_REDO from V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS where XID='0600200038020000';
set transaction read write
6 rows selected.
alter system dump logfile '/path-to-archived-log-file' scn min XXXXXXXXX scn max YYYYYYYYY;
shows correct values in redo block. This checked using Oracle RDBMS 23c (23.2, 23.3, & 23.4/23AI). Unfortunately, BOOLEAN data type is not contained in LogMiner's Supported Data Types and Table Storage Attributes, nor in the Unsupported Data Types and Table Storage Attributes. We are watching the status of this issue.
The following Data Definition Language (DDL) clauses of ALTER TABLE command are currently supported:
1. add column(s)
2. modify column(s)
3. drop column(s)
4. rename column
5. set unused column(s)
To ensure compatibility with Schema Evolution the following algorithm is used:
- When oracdc first encounters an operation on a table in the redo logs, information about the table is read from the data dictionary or from the JSON file specified by the
parameter. Two schemas are created: immutable key schema with unique identifier [PDB_NAME:]OWNER.TABLE_NAME.Key, version=1 and mutable value schema with unique identifier [PDB_NAME:]OWNER.TABLE_NAME.Value, version=1. - After successful parsing of DDL and comparison of columns definition before and after, value schema gets an incremented version number.
oracdc is resilient to Oracle database shutdown and/or restart while performing DBMS_LOGMNR.ADD_LOGFILE call or waiting for a new archived redo log. ORA-17410 ("No more data read from socket") is intercepted and an attempt to reconnect is made after fixed backoff time specified by parameter a2.connection.backoff
Fully compatible from, when a2.resiliency.type
set to fault-tolerant
. `In this case all offset (SCN, RBA, COMMIT_SCN for rows and transactions, versions for table definitions) information is stored only on standard Kafka Connect offsets
- Zillions of messages (for every Oracle database transaction)
[2023-12-15 12:00:41,214] INFO [oracdc-test|task-0] Took 0.371 ms to pollDiskSpace for /tmp/7F00180051B30100.9949840719368541210 (net.openhft.chronicle.threads.DiskSpaceMonitor:56)
in connect.log. These messages are generated by Chronicle Queue's DiskSpaceMonitor. To completely disable this diagnostic output, set
export KAFKA_OPTS="-Dchronicle.disk.monitor.disable=true ${KAFKA_OPTS}"
for the JVM running Kafka Connect. If you are interested in the statistics of waits related to memory mapped files but want to set a different threshold (default is 250 milliseconds), then set (example below is for threshold of 500 milliseconds)
export KAFKA_OPTS="-Dchronicle.disk.monitor.warn.threshold.us=500 ${KAFKA_OPTS}"
- The default oracdc option Chronicle Queue for processing Oracle transaction information collects statistics. If you do not consent you can do either of the following:
A) Switch from using Chronicle Queue to use Java Heap Structures by setting a2.transaction.implementation=ArrayList
together with proper sizing of Java Heap Size using JVM -Xmx option.
B) Follow instructions from Chronicle
- Excessive LogMiner output in alert.log - please see Oracle Support Services Notes LOGMINER: Summary For Session# = nnn in 11g (Doc ID 1632209.1) and Alert.log Messages 'LOGMINER: krvxpsr summary' (Doc ID 1485217.1)
- If you do not use archivelogs as a source of database user activity audit information, consider setting Oracle RDBMS hidden parameter _transaction_auditing to false after consulting a Oracle Support Services
- Always try to set up supplemental logging at the table level, and not for all database objects
- Proper file system parameters and sizing for path where Chronicle Queue objects reside.
- Proper open files hard and soft limits for OS user running oracdc
- To determine source of bottleneck set parameter
to true and analyze waits at Oracle RDBMS side using data from trace file (tracefile_identifier='oracdc') - For optimizing network transfer consider increasing SDU (Ref.: Database Net Services Administrator's Guide, Chapter 14 "Optimizing Performance"). Also review Oracle Support Services Note 2652240.1SDU Ignored By The JDBC Thin Client Connection. Example listener.ora with SDU set:
(SDU = 2097152)
Example sqlnet.ora with SDU set:
Example jdbc connect string with SDU set:
While setting SDU always check live settings using listener trace set to admin level. For example:
lsnrctl set trc_level admin
grep nsconneg `lsnrctl show trc_file | grep "set to" | awk {'print $6'}`
- Use oracdc JMX performance [metrics]((doc/LOGMINER-METRICS.md)
- Depending on structure of your data try increasing value of
parameter (default fetch size - 32 rows) - Although some documents recommend changing the setting of _log_read_buffers & _log_read_buffer_size hidden parameters we didn't see serious improvement or degradation using different combinations of these parameters. For more information please read LogMiner Tuning: _log_read_buffers & _log_read_buffer_size
- oracdc uses off-heap storage Chronicle Queue developed by the Chronicle Software. To determine required disk space, or size of Docker's tmpfs mounts, or size of k8s's emptyDir needed to store memory allocated files use values of following JMX metrics
When setting the JVM parameters , pay attention to the Linux kernel parameter vm.max_map_count
and to JVM parameter -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize
. (Ref.: I have issue with memory)
11. Run oracdc using Java 17 LTS, which provides numerous improvements over older versions of Java, such as improved performance, stability, and security. For this you need to pass additional command line arguments to java command using (Ref.: How to run Chronicle Libraries Under Java 17)
export KAFKA_OPTS="\
--add-exports java.base/jdk.internal.ref=ALL-UNNAMED \
--add-exports java.base/sun.nio.ch=ALL-UNNAMED \
--add-exports jdk.unsupported/sun.misc=ALL-UNNAMED \
--add-exports jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.file=ALL-UNNAMED \
--add-opens jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac=ALL-UNNAMED \
--add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED \
--add-opens java.base/java.lang.reflect=ALL-UNNAMED \
--add-opens java.base/java.io=ALL-UNNAMED \
--add-opens java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED"
- Please review Latest GoldenGate/Database (OGG/RDBMS) Patch recommendations (Doc ID 2193391.1) (for - Oracle GoldenGate -- Oracle RDBMS Server Recommended Patches) and, if necessary, install the fixes listed in the Oracle RDBMS software section. If you are using Oracle Database 19c, be sure to install the patch Patch 35034699: RTI 25675772 (TKLSDDN01V.DIFF) DIVERGENCE MAY OCCUR IN DISTRIBUTED TXN WITH PARTIAL ROLLBACK
- GitHub
- Confluent Hub
- DockerHub
- AWS Marketplace - optimized for Amazon MSK and AWS Glue Schema Registry 4.1. x86_64 CloudFormation Stack 4.2. AWS Graviton CloudFormation Stack 4.3. amd64 Container
- Maven Central
This Source Connector uses Oracle RDBMS materialized view log's as source for data changes and materializes Oracle RDBMS materialized view log at heterogeneous database system. No materialized view should consume information from materialized view log's which are used by oracdc. Unlike solutions.a2.cdc.oracle.OraCdcLogMinerConnector this SourceConnector works with BLOB, and CLOB data types. If you need support for Oracle Database LONG, and/or LONG RAW data types please send us an email at [email protected]. In addition to read privileges on the underlying base tables and materialized view logs, the user running connector must have access to
grant select on V_$INSTANCE to <CONNECTOR-USER>;
grant select on V_$LICENSE to <CONNECTOR-USER>;
grant select on V_$DATABASE to <CONNECTOR-USER>;
For a quick start with the Docker container, please read How to Set Up Oracle Database Tables Replication in Minutes
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on any platform with JDK11+ support.
Before using oracdc please check that required Java11+ is installed with
echo "Checking Java version"
java -version
Build with
mvn clean install -Dgpg.skip
oracdc is shipped with Oracle JDBC, or you can copy drivers from Oracle RDBMS server
cp $ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib/ojdbc8.jar <JDBC directory>
cp $ORACLE_HOME/ucp/lib/ucp.jar <JDBC directory>
cp $ORACLE_HOME/jlib/oraclepki.jar <JDBC directory>
cp $ORACLE_HOME/jlib/osdt_core.jar <JDBC directory>
cp $ORACLE_HOME/jlib/osdt_cert.jar <JDBC directory>
or download drivers ojdbc[JAVA-VERSION].jar
, ucp.jar
, oraclepki.jar
, osdt_core.jar
, and osdt_cert.jar
from JDBC and UCP Downloads page
Please refer to Oracle Database documentation for instructions how to create and manage the Oracle Wallet and tnsnames.ora file. Oracle recommends that you create and manage the Wallet in a database environment using mkstore
mkstore -wrl $A2_CDC_HOME/wallets/ -create
mkstore -wrl $A2_CDC_HOME/wallets/ -createCredential R1229 SCOTT
The following steps need to be performed in order to prepare the Oracle database so the oracdc Connector can be used.
Log in to SQL*Plus as SYSDBA and check results of query
If the query returns ARCHIVELOG, it is enabled. Skip ahead to Enabling supplemental log data. If the query returns NOARCHIVELOG :
shutdown immediate
startup mount
alter database archivelog;
alter database open;
To verify that ARCHIVELOG has been enabled run again
This time it should return ARCHIVELOG
Log in to SQL*Plus as SYSDBA, if you like to enable supplemental logging for whole database:
alter database add supplemental log data (ALL) columns;
Alternatively, to enable only for selected tables and minimal supplemental logging, a database-level option (recommended):
alter database add supplemental log data;
alter table <OWNER>.<TABLE_NAME> add supplemental log data (ALL) columns;
If using Amazon RDS for Oracle please see AWS Amazon Relational Database Service User Guide about rdsadmin.rdsadmin_util.alter_supplemental_logging procedure.
To verify supplemental logging settings at database level:
To verify supplemental logging settings at table level:
select LOG_GROUP_NAME, TABLE_NAME, DECODE(ALWAYS, 'ALWAYS', 'Unconditional', NULL, 'Conditional') ALWAYS
Instructions below are for CDB, for non-CDB (deprecated in 12c, desupported in 21c) you can use role and user names without c## prefix. Log in as sysdba and enter the following commands to create a user with the privileges required for running oracdc with LogMiner as CDC source. For CDB:
create user C##ORACDC identified by ORACDC
default tablespace SYSAUX
temporary tablespace TEMP
quota unlimited on SYSAUX
For non-CDB or for connection to PDB in RDBMS 19.10+:
create user ORACDC identified by ORACDC
default tablespace SYSAUX
temporary tablespace TEMP
quota unlimited on SYSAUX;
To check the required Oracle Database settings, you can use the setup check utility (v2.2.+), which will check all the settings and, if there are problems, advise on how to fix them
java -cp oracdc-kafka-2.2.0-standalone.jar solutions.a2.cdc.oracle.utils.OracleSetupCheck \
To run in container environment
docker run --rm -it averemee/oracdc oraCheck.sh \
If there are no problems with the settings, the utility prints the following output
The oracdc's setup check was completed successfully, everything is ready to start oracdc connector
In CDB Architecture oracdc must connected to CDB$ROOT, but starting from Oracle Database 19c RU 10 and Oracle Database 21c you can chose to connect either to the CDB$ROOT, or to an individual PDB.
Connection to physical standby database when database is opened in MOUNTED mode is possible only for users for SYSDBA privilege. To check for correct user settings log in to SQL*Plus as SYSDBA and connect to physical standby database. To verify that you connected to physical standby database enter
it should return MOUNTED PHYSICAL STANDBY Then enter:
For the user who will be used to connect to physical standby database create a Oracle Wallet. Please refer to section Oracle Wallet above.
To run oracdc in this mode parameter a2.standby.activate
must set to true
- Copy oracdc-kafka--standalone.jar or a2solutions-oracdc-kafka-.zip to source and target (mining) database servers.
- On source database server start solutions.a2.cdc.oracle.utils.file.SourceDatabaseShipmentAgent with --bind-address (IP address or hostname to listen for incoming requests from mining database server agent, default and --port (TCP port to listen for incoming requests from mining database server agent, default 21521) parameters, for instance
java -cp oracdc-kafka-0.9.8-standalone.jar \
solutions.a2.cdc.oracle.utils.file.SourceDatabaseShipmentAgent \
--port 21521 \
- On target (mining) database server start solutions.a2.cdc.oracle.utils.file.TargetDatabaseShipmentAgent with --bind-address (IP address or hostname to listen for incoming requests from oracdc connector, default, --port (TCP port to listen for incoming requests from oracdc connector, default 21521) parameters, --source-host (IP address or hostname of solutions.a2.cdc.oracle.utils.file.SourceDatabaseShipmentAgent), --source-port (TCP port of solutions.a2.cdc.oracle.utils.file.SourceDatabaseShipmentAgent), and --file-destination (existing directory to store redo log files) for instance
java -cp oracdc-kafka-0.9.8-standalone.jar \
--port 21521
--source-port 21521
--file-destination /d00/oradata/archive
- Configure oracdc connector with parameter
set to true. Seta2.jdbc.url
parameters to valid values for connecting to source database. Seta2.distributed.jdbc.url
to valid values for connecting to target (mining) database. Seta2.distributed.target.host
to IP address/hostname and port where solutions.a2.cdc.oracle.utils.file.TargetDatabaseShipmentAgent runs. Example parameter settings is in logminer-source-distributed-db.properties file
Create materialized view log's over replicated tables. These materialized view logs must be created with following options - with primary key, and/or with rowid, sequence, excluding new values and without commit scn option. You do not need to specify column list while creating materialized view log for using with oracdc. oracdc reads from materialized view log only primary key value and/or rowid of row in master table. Table below describes how oracdc operates depending on the materialized view log settings
SNAPSHOT LOG WITH | Master table access | Key for External system |
Primary key | Primary key | Primary key |
Primary key and ROWID | ROWID | Primary key |
ROWID | ROWID | ROWID (String, key name ORA_ROW_ID) |
connect scott/tiger
create materialized view log on DEPT
with primary key, sequence
excluding new values;
create materialized view log on EMP
with primary key, sequence
excluding new values;
For instructions oracdc Connector's parameters please read KAFKA-CONNECT.md.
Every message is envelope has two parts: a schema and payload. The schema describes the structure of the payload, while the payload contains the actual data. Message format is similar to format used by Debezium with two important differences:
- before part of schema and payload used only for DELETE operation
- for DELETE operation schema and payload contain only primary key definition and value due to limit of information from materialized view log
- for INSERT and UPDATE only after part of payload contain values due to absense of row previous state in materialized view log's
See the MESSAGE-SAMPLES-DBZM-STYLE.md for details
source structure of payload contains various information about Oracle RDBMS instance from V$INSTANCE and V$DATABASE views. When using materialized view log as CDC source scn field for INSERT and UPDATE operations contains actual ORA_ROWSCN pseudocolumn value for given row in master table, for DELETE operation - ORA_ROWSCN pseudocolumn value for given row in materialized view log.
By default (when a2.oracdc.schemas
set to false) oracdc Source connector's is compatible with Confluent JDBC Sink connector and uses datatype mapping below
Oracle RDBMS Type | JSON Type | Comment |
DATE | int32 | org.apache.kafka.connect.data.Date |
TIMESTAMP% | int64 | org.apache.kafka.connect.data.Timestamp |
INTERVALYM | string | solutions.a2.cdc.oracle.data.OraInterval |
INTERVALDS | string | solutions.a2.cdc.oracle.data.OraInterval |
NUMBER | int8 | NUMBER(1,0) & NUMBER(2,0) |
NUMBER | int16 | NUMBER(3,0) & NUMBER(4,0) |
NUMBER | int32 | NUMBER(5,0) & NUMBER(6,0) & NUMBER(7,0) & NUMBER(8,0) |
NUMBER | int64 | Other Integers between billion and 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
NUMBER | float64 | Oracle NUMBER without specified SCALE and PRECISION |
NUMBER | bytes | org.apache.kafka.connect.data.Decimal - all other numerics |
FLOAT | float64 | |
BINARY_FLOAT | float32 | |
BINARY_DOUBLE | float64 | |
RAW | bytes | |
BLOB | bytes | |
CHAR | string | |
NCHAR | string | |
VARCHAR2 | string | |
NVARCHAR2 | string |
When a2.oracdc.schemas
set to true oracdc uses its own extensions for Oracle NUMBER (solutions.a2.cdc.oracle.data.OraNumber), TIMESTAMP WITH [LOCAL] TIMEZONE (solutions.a2.cdc.oracle.data.OraTimestamp), INTERVALYM(INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH) (solutions.a2.cdc.oracle.data.OraIntervalYM), and INTERVALDS(INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND) (solutions.a2.cdc.oracle.data.OraIntervalDS) datatypes.
When a2.process.lobs
set to true oracdc uses its own extensions for Oracle BLOB (solutions.a2.cdc.oracle.data.OraBlob), CLOB (solutions.a2.cdc.oracle.data.OraClob), NCLOB (solutions.a2.cdc.oracle.data.OraNClob), and SYS.XMLTYPE (solutions.a2.cdc.oracle.data.OraXmlBinary) datatypes.
- Maven - Dependency Management
- reading ASM files (aka DBMS_DISKGROUP) for solutions.a2.cdc.oracle.OraCdcRedoMinerConnector connector
- better resilience to RDBMS errors
- oracdc as audit information source
- better schema management including ideas from timestamp of creation of a schema version
####0.9.0 (OCT-2019)
Initial release
####0.9.1 (NOV-2019)
Oracle Wallet support for storing database credentials
####0.9.2 (DEC-2019)
"with ROWID" materialized view log support
####0.9.3 (FEB-2020)
Oracle Log Miner as CDC source Removed AWS Kinesis support New class hierarchy
##### (FEB-2020)
Removing dynamic invocation of Oracle JDBC. Ref.: Oracle Database client libraries for Java now on Maven Central
####0.9.4 (MAR-2020)
Ability to run Oracle Log Miner on the physical database when V$DATABASE.OPEN_MODE = MOUNTED to reduce TCO
##### (MAR-2020)
Persistence across restarts CDB fixes/20c readiness
####0.9.5 (APR-2020)
Schema Editor GUI preview (java -cp <> solutions.a2.cdc.oracle.schema.TableSchemaEditor). This GUI required for more precise mapping between Oracle and Kafka Connect datatypes. See also a2.dictionary.file
####0.9.6 (MAY-2020)
Initial data load support. See also a2.initial.load
##### (MAY-2020)
Partitioned tables support
##### (AUG-2020)
Oracle NUMBER datatype mapping fixes
##### (AUG-2020)
Kafka topic name configuration using a2.topic.name.style
& a2.topic.name.delimiter
##### (SEP-2020)
Dynamic list of tables to mine using a2.table.list.style
####0.9.7 (OCT-2020)
LOB support. See also a2.process.lobs
##### (OCT-2020)
Support for NCLOB
##### (NOV-2020)
VIP (Verified Integration Program) compliance
##### (NOV-2020)
fix CDB column type detection issue
##### (NOV-2020)
Important fixes for CDB
##### (JAN-2021)
fix Confluent Control Center 6.0+ sync issue with UCP PoolDataSource
##### (FEB-2021)
Protobuf Schema compatibility
##### (APR-2021)
Add more information about source record (XID, ROWID, and COMMIT_SCN)
##### (MAY-2021)
MAY-21 features/fixes (fix ORA-2396, add lag to JMX metrics, add feth size parameter)
####0.9.8 (JUL-2021)
Distributed database configuration
##### (AUG-2021)
RDBMS 21c compatibility
##### (OCT-2021)
SYS.XMLTYPE support and fixes for partitioned tables with BLOB/CLOB/NCLOB columns
##### (NOV-2021)
Large objects (BLOB/CLOB/NCLOB/XMLTYPE) transformation in source connector
##### (NOV-2021)
CDB: support connection to CDB$ROOT or to an individual PDB
####0.9.9 (JAN-2022)
DDL operations support for LogMiner source
##### (JAN-2022)
ORA-1291 fixes and new non-static connection pool for LogMiner connector
##### (FEB-2022)
= fault-tolerant
to ensure 100% compatibility with Kafka Connect distributed mode
####1.0.0 (JUN-2022) Min Java version -> Java11, Java 17 LTS - recommended Package name change: eu.solutions.a2 -> solutions.a2
####1.1.0 (AUG-2022)
Deprecation of parameters a2.tns.admin
, a2.tns.alias
, a2.standby.tns.admin
, a2.standby.tns.alias
, a2.distributed.tns.admin
, and a2.distributed.tns.alias
. Please use a2.jdbc.url
, a2.standby.jdbc.url
, and a2.distributed.jdbc.url
respectively. Please see KAFKA-CONNECT.md for parameter description and Oracle® Database JDBC Java API Reference, Release 23c for more information about JDBC URL format.
####1.2.0 (SEP-2022) Oracle RAC support, for more information please see What about Oracle RAC?
#####1.2.1 (SEP-2022) replace log4j with reload4j (CVE-2022-23305, CVE-2019-17571, CVE-2022-23302, CVE-2022-23307, CVE-2020-9488)
#####1.2.2 (OCT-2022) LOB_TRIM/LOB_ERASE output to log & Jackson Databind version change (fix for CVE-2022-42004)
####1.3.0 (DEC-2022) Single instance physical standby for Oracle RAC support
#####1.3.1 (JAN-2023) fix for OCI DBCS product name like "Oracle Database 19c EE Extreme Perf"
#####1.3.2 (FEB-2023) fix for #40 & jackson library update
#####1.3.3 (MAR-2023) techstack/dependent libraries (JUnit/commons-cli/OJDBC/SL4J) version updates
###### (MAR-2023)
fix temporary dir check error when a2.tmpdir
is not specified
###### (MAR-2023)
parameter a2.protobuf.schema.naming
for fixing issue with prtobuf identifiers
#####1.4.0 (MAY-2023) Oracle 23c readiness, supplemental logging checks, fixes for Oracle RDBMS on Microsoft Windows
######1.4.1 (MAY-2023)
New a2.schema.type=single
- schema type to store all columns from database row in one message with just value schema
######1.4.2 (JUN-2023) fix unhandled ORA-17410 running 12c on Windows and more strict checks for supplemental logging settings
#####1.5.0 (AUG-2023)
New a2.pk.string.length
parameter for Sink Connector and other Sink Connector enhancement
New a2.transaction.implementation
parameter for LogMiner Source Connector: when set to ChronicleQueue
(default) oracdc uses Chronicle Queue to store information about SQL statements in Oracle transaction and uses off-heap memory and needs disk space to store memory mapped files; when set to ArrayList
oracdc uses ArrayList to store information about SQL statements in Oracle transaction and uses JVM heap (no disk space needed).
Fix for ORA-17002 while querying data dictionary
Better handling for SQLRecoverableException while querying data dictionary
#####1.6.0 (OCT-2023) Support for INTERVALYM/INTERVALDS TIMESTAMP enhancements SDU hint in log
####2.0.0 (DEC-2023)
######Online redo logs processing
Online redo logs are processed when parameter a2.process.online.redo.logs
is set to true (Default - false). To control the lag between data processing in Oracle, the parameter a2.scn.query.interval.ms
is used, which sets the lag in milliseconds for processing data in online logs.
This expands the range of connector tasks and makes its use possible where minimal and managed latency is required.
######default values: Column default values are now part of table schema
######19c enhancements:
- HEX('59') (and some other single byte values) for DATE/TIMESTAMP/TIMESTAMPTZ are treated as NULL
- HEX('787b0b06113b0d')/HEX('787b0b0612013a')/HEX('787b0b0612090c')/etc (2.109041558E-115,2.1090416E-115,2.109041608E-115) for NUMBER(N)/NUMBER(P,S) are treated as NULL
information about such values is not printed by default in the log; to print messages you need to set the parameter
value to true
######solution for incomplete redo information: Solution for problem described in LogMiner REDO_SQL missing WHERE clause and LogMiner Redo SQL w/o WHERE-clause
#####2.1.0 (FEB-2024)
ServiceLoader manifest files, for more information please read KIP-898: Modernize Connect plugin discovery
######LogMiner Connector
- Now oracdc now also checks for first available SCN in V$LOG
- Reducing the output about scale differences between redo and dictionary
- Separate first available SCN detection for primary and standby
######New parameters
- to manage connector behavior when processing an incomplete redo record. For more information please read KAFKA-CONNECT.md
- to control output when processing online redo logs. For more information please read KAFKA-CONNECT.md
- to manage reconnect interval for LogMiner for Unix/Linux. For more information please read KAFKA-CONNECT.md
- to manage behavior when choosing key fields in schema for table. For more information please read KAFKA-CONNECT.md
- to manage behavior when the table does not have appropriate PK/unique columns for key fields. For more information please read KAFKA-CONNECT.md
- to manage behavior when reading and processing a redo record for DELETE. For more information please read KAFKA-CONNECT.md
######Sink Connector
- fix for SQL statements creation when first statement in topic is "incomplete" (delete operation for instance)
- add exponential back-off for sink getConnection()
- support for key-less schemas
- PostgreSQL: support for implicitly defined primary keys
#####2.2.0 (MAR-2024)
######LogMiner Connector
- Enhanced handling of partial rollback redo records (ROLLBACK=1). For additional information about these redo records please read ROLLBACK INTERNALS starting with the sentence "The interesting thing is with partial rollback."
- New parameter
to manage the name of the Kafka topic to which data will be sent. For more information please read KAFKA-CONNECT.md - Oracle Database settings check utility
######Sink Connector
- Connector classes are re-factored and the Sink Connector itself renamed from solutions.a2.cdc.oracle.OraCdcJdbcSinkConnector to solutions.a2.kafka.sink.JdbcSinkConnector
- New parameter -
to manage the table in which to sink the data.
#####2.3.0 (APR-2024)
######LogMiner Connector
- New parameter -
to manage the connector behavior on ORA-1284. For more information please read KAFKA-CONNECT.md - Checking the number of non-zero columns returned from a redo record for greater reliability.
- Handling of partial rollback records in RDBMS 19.13 i.e. when redo record with ROLLBACK=1 is before redo record with ROLLBACK=0
- Processing of DELETE operation for tables ROWID pseudo key
- New parameter -
to manage the connector output in log for DELETE operations over table's without PK. For more information please read KAFKA-CONNECT.md - New parameter -
to manage schema names generation. For more information please read KAFKA-CONNECT.md
######Docker image Rehost Confluent schema registry clients (Avro/Protobuf/JSON Schema) and bump version to 7.5.3
######2.3.1 (APR-2024)
Simplification of configuration for Oracle Active DataGuard - now the same configuration is used for Oracle Active DataGuard as for a primary database
#####2.4.0 (MAY-2024)
######LogMiner Connector
- Oracle Active DataGuard support for Oracle Database settings check utility
- Fix for Oracle DataGuard when V$STANDBY_LOG does not contain rows
- Fix ORA-310/ORA-334 under heavy RDBMS load
- New parameters to support pseudo columns -
, &a2.pseudocolumn.ora_operation
. For more information please read KAFKA-CONNECT.md - New parameters to support audit pseudo columns:
, &a2.pseudocolumn.ora_client_id
. For more information please read KAFKA-CONNECT.md
######Sink Connector
New parameters: a2.table.mapper
, a2.table.name.prefix
, and a2.table.name.suffix
#####2.5.0 (AUG-2024)
######LogMiner Connector
- Improved processing of transactions containing partial rollback (with ROLLBACK=1) statements
- JMX: LastProcessedSequence metric. For more information please read LOGMINER-METRICS.md
- Obsoleted and removed parameters:
- New parameter to control the selection of database table columns to create key fields of a Kafka Connect record
. For more information please read KAFKA-CONNECT.md. - New parameter to add notifications about last processed redo sequence
. For more information please read KAFKA-CONNECT.md.
######Sink Connector
New parameter to set a SQL statement(s) that will be executed for all new connections when they are created - a2.connection.init.sql
######2.5.1 (AUG-2024)
#######LogMiner Connector
- Handling/binding suspicious transactions (XID always ends with FFFFFFFF, i.e. wrong transaction ID sequence number) and the transaction always starts with a partial rollback operation
- New parameter and additional pseudocolumn
######2.5.2 (SEP-2024)
- SMT converters for solutions.a2.cdc.oracle.data.OraNumber/solutions.a2.cdc.oracle.data.OraIntervalYM/solutions.a2.cdc.oracle.data.OraIntervalDS (oracle.sql.NUMBER/oracle.sql.INTERVALYM/oracle.sql.INTERVALDS)
- Dockerfile enhancements (Schema registry client updated to Confluent 7.7.1), Dockerfile.snowflake to quickly create a data delivery pipeline between transactional Oracle and analytical Snowflake
#####2.6.0 (JAN-2025)
- This version includes a solutions.a2.cdc.oracle.OraCdcRedoMinerConnector connector (in addition to LogMiner based connector solutions.a2.cdc.oracle.OraCdcLogMinerConnector and materialized view based solutions.a2.cdc.oracle.OraCdcSourceConnector) that reads redo files directly and does not use a LogMiner. For more information, please send us an email at [email protected] or request a meeting on https://a2.solutions/
- improved solutions.a2.cdc.oracle.utils.file.OraRedoLogFile CLI utility which produces output similar to the ALTER SYSTEM DUMP LOGFILE command (currently only for changes Layer 5 and 11) and includes additional supplemental logging information
- Checking for the presence of columns in the table that have not been dropped completely and printing recommendations to the log
#####2.7.0 (FEB-2025)
- This version supports redo files located in Oracle ASM for the solutions.a2.cdc.oracle.OraCdcRedoMinerConnector connector that reads redo files directly and does not use a LogMiner. For more information, please send us an email at [email protected] or request a meeting on https://a2.solutions/
- Throttling control, especially for the solutions.a2.cdc.oracle.OraCdcRedoMinerConnector connector which uses heap memory checks and the Linux parameter vm.max_map_count(/proc/sys/vm/max_map_count)
- Fully compatible with JDK 21 LTS
- Aleksej Veremeev - Initial work - A2 Rešitve d.o.o.
This project is licensed under the Apache License - see the LICENSE file for details