- "Developed" Client: abyss, virtue and 13 different clients in one.
- Clown Reason: Client is 13 different clients in one, (abyss, virtue etc.)
- "Developed" Client: Memenight.
- Clown Reason: Client is made of XIV, Virtue and 40 more clients
- "Developed": HopCord
- Clown Reason: Stole discord design discord for HopCord and sold it to buy money for food.
- "Developed": x3coin
- Clown Reason: Skidded bitcoin core to make his own x3coin, and skidded windows api to make his rats (still denies that he made any rats)
- "Developed": OhareDaBossOs
- Clown Reason: Pasted directly from TempleOS because he cant code anything.
- "Developed": DRose Client
- Clown Reason: Pasted directly from everything else, and had the balls to rat it too.
Tryhardyoda (Edwin Townsley)
- "Developed": Midnight v4 (Minecraft Client), responsible for Camden Rodriguez Client.
- Clown Reason: Big Time Skid
HirdKKK (Meir Nisim)
- "Developed": Memestick Hacked Client (NO HATE)
- Clown Reason: Responsible for the dox of Camdem Rodriguez Image
- "Developed": Some Clients
- Clown Reason: Ate to much fish and got fat then started skidding. Got doxed and mom photos leaked too
- Clown Reason: legit cant even make a boolean.
- "Developed": Some NN clients
- Clown Reason: Skidded Spectre
- "Developed": The Famous Glawk client
- Clown Reason: skidded all of OG's modules
- "Developed": Verble AntiLeak
- Clown Reason: Copy Pasted Alpha Antileak, also can't code anything!
Kant (VyprHax, (Fake) Verble, Dxlton, Lucas Breeden)
- "Developed": Autumn, Many Rats.
- Clown Reason: Known Ratter. pasted Async Rat and Ratty to make Vis.Remote. Also pasted to make Autumn and added a rat to it.
- Clown Reason: The self proclaimed "ObjectWeb ASM God", but pasted everything from GraxCode and StackOverflow.
- "Developed": Exhibition (Not Skidded)
- Clown Reason: Transfered IMGUI skeet UI to Minecraft.
- "Developed": Remix
- Clown Reason: Creator of Remix Client AKA Jigsaw legit can't even bypass vanilla
- "Developed": Remix
- Clown Reason: Most Likely put a rat in it to get CP for his collection (has collection has been confirmed)
- "Developed": Fan Client
- Clown Reason: Fan client, The same, pasted crap client nef sells on his site. The source has been leaked many times over and over, and cedo has always been saying he's going to remove all of the skids, but he never does, but rather pastes more. He made a "Hypixel" fly which was actually freecam, pasted autumns values, esp's, disabler, fly code, and much more, all in all, a shit autumn paste into an intent base.
- "Developed": MarshyWare
- Clown Reason: Joined a clients dev team and then leaked src cant fix simple errors without his sugar daddy energized who is in a secret underage gay relationship with him.
Energized (Edward Deegan)
- "Developed": Some NN Client that I deobfuscated
- Clown Reason: Hard on the internet, pussy irl. This guy is the type of guy you would use the term "Bri'ish." I deobfuscated his skid and leaked it to the public, ever since, he has been shitting his pants xD (his face is also public here)
- Clown Reason: Does not know a dogsfuck about java and is still in a clients development team, this dumb fuck sucks marshy off whenever marshy feels depressed about me making fun of him.
- "Developed": Skidma (Sigma)
- Clown Reason: If you think this guy shouldn't be on this list, you are seriously retarded, he has pasted many clients for his shit skid called "Sigma", he has been pasting ever since daddy Arithmo has left. His Urban Dictionary "A retarded hypocrite who constantly steals other peoples code and whenever called out on it he sends his 11 year old fanbase to attack that person."
- Client: Skidma (Sigma)
- Clown Reason: Helped Omikron skid lots of clients and lots of code, he still isn't as bad as Omikron though
- "Developed": Skdma (Sigma)
- Clown Reason: Omikron's Alt
- Skidded: Every known client (because hes Omikron)
- Clown Reason: Still uses blink vanilla fly as a Redesky Fly, That was acceptable 3 months ago... (Such good $10 client bro wow)
Crystal ( Shadow Client / Mystra Client Developer)
- "Developed": Mystra / Shadow Client
- Clown Reason: Owner of the biggest skid of 2020, shit client, everything is pasted, The WORST sold client ever, the render section screams skid. source leaked by shrunkie
- "Developed": Sentinel, Kairu, and many more skidded anticheats / clients
- Clown Reason: Renamed NCP to Sentinel, this guy probably sleeps with his astolfo body pillow knowing that's the only comfort he will ever get
Talks about skidding NCP at 1:12:30 Bans people with fake sentinel messages
- Clown Reason: Admitted to skidding, Has a shit src collection, imagine thinking 29 src codes is alot, I have 128, beat that you clown (the Src codes i collect, are collected for archival purposes, and so i can try and compile old clients for nostalgia)
NotOma (ThatOma, Oma, OmaDude, @YeahOMA )
- "Developed": Oma backdoor 0.5 (Travis backdoor skid), Oma backdoor Latest (Yoink rat copy/rename except with a different webhook api), Fake astolfo crack rat which he exposed to get karma on reddit even though he made the rat (wow)
- Clown Reason: Where do i even start? A no name "ratter" (put in quotes because he is shit at ratting)
- Tried to manipulate me to join him in ratting "5000 kids" and then ended up getting exposed by me, read this https://www.reddit.com/r/minecraftclients/comments/mneifa/notoma_expose_usnoorevelations9835_skid_momento/
- Part 2: https://www.reddit.com/r/minecraftclients/comments/mnjrhf/response_to_omas_pathetic_response_john_swan/
- Part 3: https://www.reddit.com/r/minecraftclients/comments/mnom05/oma_being_a_clown_exposed_again_part_3_john_swan/
- He is still crying about it because he has to rat children to cope in his shitty life since his mother couldnt afford an abortion
- "Developed": Prismatic Client
- Clown Reason: Thought it was a nice idea to use cracked binscure as obf and then shit talk because his mommy can't pay for actual Binscure. Got his $10 client cracked (by me)
- "Developed": Numerous Pastes
- Clown Reason: This skid is very emasculate, His testosterone is lacking, Average anarchy user that has never left anarchy community and thinks theMcEntityPlayer is the way to go!1! By far the most retarded thing he has done is join my discord server and ask me for PenisESP src and then upload it on github saying "Xatz PenisESP Src Leaked ezzzz"
- "Developed": Europa and some other clients
- Clown Reason: Not a skid, but steals every visuals idea from phobos to his glorious cheat "Europa", aka big phobos fanboy.
- "Developed": His infamous phobos skid
- Clown Reason: Didn't give neko+ server back, claims neko+ is a skid when in fact he skidded a lot of our code, spends his days improving his skid's security by getting info from users on a not very suspicious "Tracker".
- Whenever I make an alt, He is the first person I go to and annoy, It is so fucking funny screwing with him and seeing him wait for Omikron to give him comebacks, he knows nothing about java or ports but acts like he has a brain. I have annoyed him on a few alts and our DM's are funny asf.
- Ran Sigma, promoted it. Legend has it, He is still mining Monero for Omikron to this day....
- Clown Reason: Got himself banned from r/minecraftclients (exposing pics of an underage femboy) and he got exposed for dating a femboy, L
- Clown reason: Annoying 1.12 Larper who thought he could groom 1.8 groomers, instead got emasculated and now he is trying to cope
- Clown Reason: This uncultured swine has never left the anarchy community, he also testifies his "big name" yet he seems as nn as a Chinese Citzen who has gone "missing"
He sent that when someone asked for scaffold bypass regarding a 1.8 client and I sent them some joke code
Orange / Orangified
- Clown Reason: The worlds biggest retard, still has something against me, tried to get PrinceKin to "crack" my free clients while ruining both of their reputations. Down Syndrome shown at early encounters with him, simps for rektsky (LOL DEAD CLIENT) Still hates me for banning and removing his beta tester role in Xatz client discord, a certified No Name who is looking for clout, rn he is forking this and trying to act like he is all so smart and he finally got back at Napoleon!1!2!!2!1. Tl;Dr: no name with autism because his parents drunk a shit ton of alcohol (moment)
- Clown Reason: Got clout from leaked phobos, claims he's a master cracker but can't really do shit, legends say he's still trying to dump spongebobhax
- Exposing shadow/mystra client and leaking it's src
- Making SuperheroFX so fang can simp for something other than astolfo
- Sexing marshy's mom
Mastercooker (x4e)
- Making Binscure obfuscator, generally cool man. Contributes to obfuscators and deobfuscators, and usually has repos in that field.
- 10/10 would recommend Binscure (buy it though 😠)
- sexed rte
- Being cool
- watched femboy porn once to be a xatz dev
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