This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.
Things you may want to cover:
Ruby version: 2.7.1
Rails version: 6.0.3
Startup project:
Install gem: bundle install
Database initialization: rake db:create
Seed an admin: rake db:seed
Run: rails s -p 3000
API: + Method: POST, Link: localhost:3000/signup, Params: (name:bach email:[email protected] password:123456 password_confirmation:123456) + Method: POST, Link: localhost:3000/auth/login, Params: (email:[email protected] password:123456)
+ Method: POST, Link: localhost:3000/auth/login-admin Params: (email:[email protected] password:admin@123) + Method: Get, Link: localhost:3000/list-users?page=1 (Authorization: Get the token from api login-admin) + Method: Put, Link: localhost:3000/edit-user (Authorization: Get the token from api login-admin) (id:1 name:abc email:[email protected]) + Method: Delete, Link: localhost:3000/delete-user (Authorization: Get the token from api login-admin) (id:1)
+ Method: Get, Link: localhost:3000/search-user (Authorization: Get the token from api login-admin) (key:c) -
Run test: bundle exec rspec