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Carbon Backend

Carbon Backend, built with Nest.js, serves as a specialized backend solution for aggregating insights from Carbon smart contracts and delivering them through APIs. It provides a suite of APIs offering valuable insights, such as trading activity and history.


Before setting up Carbon Backend, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

  • TimescaleDB: Ensure TimescaleDB is properly installed and running.
  • Redis: Ensure Redis is properly installed and running.
  • CoinGecko: Obtain an API key from CoinGecko.
    • This repo is set up to use Coingecko's PRO API, if you have a free plan you will need to adjust the coingecko api url and authentication header.
  • CoinMarketCap: Obtain an API key from CoinMarketCap.
  • Codex: Obtain an API key from Codex.
  • Python 3 (Optional): Required for the simulator.


To set up Carbon Backend, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd carbon-backend
  3. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  4. Run database migrations:

    After installing dependencies, run the following command to execute all migrations and prepare the database:

    npm run migration:run
  5. Configure environment variables:

    Duplicate the .env.example file as .env:

    cp .env.example .env

    Provide the required values in the .env file.

  6. (Optional) If you wish to utilize the simulator feature, install the required Python packages:

    pip install -r src/simulator/requirements.txt
  7. (Optional) Database Seeding:

    If you need to import data from an external database, you can use the seeding script:

    a. Configure the database connection variables in your .env file:

    # External Database Configuration
    # Local Database Configuration

    b. Run the seeding script:

    npm run db:seed

    This will import the database structure and data from the external database to your local database, excluding certain tables as configured in the seed script.


To run Carbon Backend:

npm start

First run

On the first run, the application will sync each network to current state. This will heavily consume the RPC API urls, if you're using a free plan from Alchemy or another provider, you might be rate limited and the sync process will take some time.

If you're facing network issues when syncing the chain state, try reducing the parameters harvestEventsBatchSize and harvestConcurrency for each network in the deployment config on deployment.service.ts. This will slow down the sync, but will be lighter on your network.

API Documentation

Access the API documentation by navigating to http://localhost:3000 in your browser.

Seed Historic Quotes (Optional)

Manually run the seed function in src/historic-quote/historic-quote.service.ts to populate the database with historic quotes for history-dependent functionalities such as the simulator.

Change Network

To switch Carbon Backend's network for different deployments, follow these steps:

  1. Replace Smart Contract Files:

    • Replace files in src/contracts/mainnet with those from the new deployment.
  2. Modify CoinMarketCap Service:

  3. Modify CoinGecko Service:

    • Adjust src/quote/coingecko.service.ts to match the requirements of the new network.
    • Refer to the CoinGecko API documentation for assistance.
  4. Customizing Networks and Exchange IDs:

    To configure which networks are supported by Carbon Backend, make the following changes in deployment.service.ts and exchange-id-param.decorator.ts.

    Supporting Multiple Networks

    If you want to support multiple networks, update the following:

    • In deployment.service.ts:

      • Update the BlockchainType and ExchangeId enums to reflect the networks you want to support:

        export enum BlockchainType {
          Ethereum = 'ethereum',
          Sei = 'sei-network',
          Celo = 'celo',
          Blast = 'blast',
          // Add or remove entries as needed
        export enum ExchangeId {
          OGEthereum = 'ethereum',
          OGSei = 'sei',
          OGCelo = 'celo',
          OGBlast = 'blast',
          // Add or remove entries as needed
      • Modify initializeDeployments with configuration for each network, including exchangeId, blockchainType, rpcEndpoint, and other network-specific values:

        private initializeDeployments(): Deployment[] {
          return [
              exchangeId: ExchangeId.OGEthereum,
              blockchainType: BlockchainType.Ethereum,
              rpcEndpoint: this.configService.get('ETHEREUM_RPC_ENDPOINT'),
              harvestEventsBatchSize: 2000000,
              harvestConcurrency: 10,
              multicallAddress: '0x5Eb3fa2DFECdDe21C950813C665E9364fa609bD2',
              startBlock: 17087000,
              gasToken: {
                name: 'Ethereum',
                symbol: 'ETH',
                address: NATIVE_TOKEN,
            // Repeat this block for each network
    • In exchange-id-param.decorator.ts:

      • Adjust extractExchangeId to support dynamic handling for multiple networks:

        export function extractExchangeId(request: Request, exchangeIdParam?: string): ExchangeId {
          let exchangeId: ExchangeId;
          if (exchangeIdParam) {
            exchangeId = exchangeIdParam as ExchangeId;
          } else {
            let subdomain = request.hostname.split('.')[0];
            if (subdomain.endsWith('-api')) {
              subdomain = subdomain.slice(0, -4); // Remove '-api' suffix
            if (subdomain === 'api') {
              subdomain = ExchangeId.OGEthereum; // Adjust to your preferred default network
            exchangeId = subdomain ? (subdomain as ExchangeId) : (ExchangeId.OGEthereum as ExchangeId);
          if (!Object.values(ExchangeId).includes(exchangeId)) {
            throw new Error(`Invalid ExchangeId: ${exchangeId}`);
          return exchangeId;

    Supporting a Single Network

    If supporting only one network, simplify the configuration:

    • In deployment.service.ts:

      • Set a single BlockchainType and ExchangeId, and configure initializeDeployments for only that network.
    • In exchange-id-param.decorator.ts:

      • Hardcode the extractExchangeId function to return only the supported ExchangeId:

        export function extractExchangeId(request: Request, exchangeIdParam?: string): ExchangeId {
          const exchangeId = ExchangeId.OGEthereum; // Replace with the single supported ExchangeId
          if (exchangeIdParam && exchangeIdParam !== exchangeId) {
            throw new Error(`Unsupported ExchangeId: only ${exchangeId} is allowed`);
          return exchangeId;

Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Carbon Backend provides a command to automatically generate an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) from your TypeORM entities. This helps visualize the database structure and relationships between entities.

To generate the ERD:

npm run generate-erd

This command:

  1. Scans all TypeORM entity files
  2. Generates a Mermaid diagram definition
  3. Creates two files:
    • erd.mmd: The Mermaid diagram definition file
    • erd.svg: The rendered diagram in SVG format

The diagram includes:

  • All entities with their properties
  • Property types
  • Primary key indicators
  • Relationships between entities (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many)

Notifications System

The Carbon Backend includes a notification system that sends alerts to Telegram channels.

Configuration and Setup

Configure the notification system in your .env file:

# Telegram Configuration

# Google Cloud Tasks Configuration

# Network-Specific Thread IDs

# Explorer URLs (for transaction links)

Modifying Existing Notifications

  1. Locate Format Function In TelegramService, find the corresponding format function:

    private async formatExistingEventMessage(
      event: ExistingEvent,
      tokens: TokensByAddress,
      quotes: QuotesByAddress,
      deployment: Deployment,
    ): Promise<string> {
      // Modify the message format here
      return `Your modified message format`;
  2. Helper Methods Available

    • amountToken(amount: string, precision: number, token: Token): Format token amounts
    • amountUSD(amount: string, precision: number, usdPrice: string, token: Token): Format USD amounts
    • getUsdRate(tokenAddress: string, quotes: QuotesByAddress, deployment: Deployment): Get token USD rate
    • printNumber(num: number, precision: number): Format numbers with precision

Adding New Event Notifications

  1. Update Event Types

    // In src/events/event-types.ts
    export enum EventTypes {
      YourNewEvent = 'YourNewEvent',
      // ... other events
  2. Add Format Function

    private async formatYourNewEventMessage(
      event: YourNewEvent,
      tokens: TokensByAddress,
      quotes: QuotesByAddress,
      deployment: Deployment,
    ): Promise<string> {
      return `New Event: ${}
    Transaction: ${deployment.notifications.explorerUrl}${event.transactionHash}`;
  3. Register in Switch Statement

    switch (eventType) {
      case EventTypes.YourNewEvent:
        message = await this.formatYourNewEventMessage(event, tokens, quotes, deployment);
        threadId = deployment.notifications.telegram.threads.yourThreadId;
  4. Register Services

    // In NotificationService
    private registerEventServices() {
      this.eventServices.set(EventTypes.YourNewEvent, this.yourEventService);
    // In NotificationController
    this.eventServiceMap = new Map([
      [EventTypes.YourNewEvent, yourEventService],
  5. Configure Thread IDs

    # In .env

How It Works

  1. NotificationService processes events in batches from the blockchain
  2. For each event found, it creates a task in Google Cloud Tasks queue
  3. Tasks trigger the /notifications/telegram endpoint
  4. NotificationController retrieves the event data and passes it to TelegramService
  5. TelegramService formats the message based on event type and sends it to the appropriate Telegram thread

This system ensures reliable delivery of notifications even with high event volumes and provides network-specific configuration options.


Carbon Backend is licensed under the MIT License.


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