A todo list app in vanilla JS: A simple implementation in pure, plain Javascript (no tricks).
I created it originally as an example for JS - DOM manipulation for my students at BGU, and I may improve it later on.
Author: Barak Pinchovski
You can visit the WIKI if you'd like to see images of the app.
- I initially didn't intend to prevent any XSS or any JS injections in this implementation.
Be aware of that if you plan to use this code on staging/production (not recommended without implementing counter-XSS measures). - Optimized for Chrome (not aimed for other browsers).
- Adding new list items
- Marking list items as completed
- Removing a single list item
- Checking all list items at once
- Un-checking all list items at once
- Removing all completed list items at once
- Accessibility support (keyboard navigation and actions. aria implementation might be performed later)
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details