Project implementations for 95-771 Data Structures and Algorithms course that is offered at the Carnegie Mellon University.
- Merkle-Hellman Knapsack Cryptosystem (data encryption and decryption).
- Spell checker application using self-resizing, circular queues and red-black-trees. Probability computer for champion of major league baseball tournament using recursion and dynamic programming.
- Final exam scheduler using graph coloring algorithms (greedy and optimal) and other data structures such as graph, red-black-tree, and linked lists.
- Pittsburgh city crime locations tour (Hamiltonian cycle) computer using approximate (MST-Prim) and optimal algorithms for traveling salesman problem. Renders resulting information in Google Earth.
- File compressor and decompressor using Lempel-Ziv-Welch algorithm—a utility that works with both ASCII and binary files from small to large. Runtime comparison of implementations using HashMap and TreeMap.
- Implementations of Deterministic Finite State Automaton and Turing Machine.
I received full grade for my project submissions for the DSA course. All projects have good amount of unit tests and other small utilities implementations for the correctness, accuracy, and readability of the solutions. If you want to have a look into my solutions (code), please send me an email at [email protected]; I will invite you a private github repository that hosts all my submissions.
Note: Solutions will not be shared with current students at any university.