This repository was archived by the owner on Feb 6, 2024. It is now read-only.
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
# http_archive("io_bazel_rules_docker", ...)
name = "io_bazel_rules_k8s",
sha256 = "ce5b9bc0926681e2e7f2147b49096f143e6cbc783e71bc1d4f36ca76b00e6f4a",
strip_prefix = "rules_k8s-0.7",
urls = [""],
load("@io_bazel_rules_k8s//k8s:k8s.bzl", "k8s_repositories")
load("@io_bazel_rules_k8s//k8s:k8s_go_deps.bzl", k8s_go_deps = "deps")
What's Changed
- Update dependency rules_python to v0.0.3 by @renovate-bot in #612
- Update dependency com_github_grpc_grpc to v1.32.0 by @renovate-bot in #611
- Update dependency bazel_gazelle to v0.22.2 by @renovate-bot in #613
- Update dependency io_bazel_rules_go to v0.24.3 by @renovate-bot in #614
- Update dependency io_bazel_rules_go to v0.24.4 by @renovate-bot in #617
- Update dependency rules_python to v0.1.0 by @renovate-bot in #618
- Add s390x support by @srajmane in #615
- Update dependency build_bazel_rules_nodejs to v2.3.0 by @renovate-bot in #616
- Make the kubectl toolchain type public by @person142 in #624
- Remove broken HTTP E2E test by @chases2 in #650
- Add support for Bazel 3.0.0 by @UebelAndre in #639
- Fix e2e tests by @fejta in #655
- fix gazelle by @mariusgrigoriu in #626
- Add Tink AB to list of adopters by @Sebelino in #635
- Allow rules_k8s targets to be invoked within other Bazel targets by @EdSchouten in #634
- Resolver library by @mariusgrigoriu in #628
- Add kubectl toolchain for linux arm64 by @fengye87 in #644
- Update rules_docker by @fejta in #656
- Set .bazelversion to 3.0.0 by @fejta in #657
- Create image with both bazel 3.5.0 and 3.0.0 by @fejta in #658
- Update dependency com_google_protobuf to v3.15.8 by @renovate-bot in #622
- Update dependency rules_python to v0.2.0 by @renovate-bot in #661
- Update dependency com_github_grpc_grpc to v1.37.1 by @renovate-bot in #619
- Update dependency build_bazel_rules_nodejs to v2.3.3 by @renovate-bot in #625
- Use bazel 3.5.0 by @fejta in #659
- Drop support for ubuntu 16 by @fejta in #662
- Add Cookies to Adopters list by @sgammon in #663
- Create image with bazel 4.1.0 and 3.5.0 by @fejta in #664
- Update rules_docker to v0.20.0 by @mishas in #669
- Enable wrapping k8s_objects diff exit codes by @irlevesque in #680
- Do not use constraints from bazel_tools by @limdor in #675
- Added toolchain support for Apple M1 and made toolchain_type public to allow extensions by @lomeshpatel in #697
- Support 5.2.0 by @fejta in #699
- Fix buildifier files by @fejta in #700
- Drop nodejs, java examples by @fejta in #701
- Remove cc from WORKSPACE, gcloud-bazel/BUILD by @fejta in #702
- Drop jsonnet complexity by @fejta in #703
- Delete unused .ci files by @fejta in #706
- Use common args by @fejta in #707
- Drop proto complexity by @fejta in #704
- Update README with updated macos toolchains by @fejta in #705
- Update multiple dependency versions. by @mishas in #673
- Make go_version an argument to deps() by @fejta in #708
- Add ParseTagOption to k8s/go/pkg/resolver by @gonzojive in #698
New Contributors
- @srajmane made their first contribution in #615
- @person142 made their first contribution in #624
- @chases2 made their first contribution in #650
- @UebelAndre made their first contribution in #639
- @Sebelino made their first contribution in #635
- @EdSchouten made their first contribution in #634
- @fengye87 made their first contribution in #644
- @sgammon made their first contribution in #663
- @mishas made their first contribution in #669
- @irlevesque made their first contribution in #680
- @limdor made their first contribution in #675
- @lomeshpatel made their first contribution in #697
- @gonzojive made their first contribution in #698
Full Changelog: v0.6...v0.7