Ben Bucior1, <Your name here>2
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA
- Template for writing HTML/CSS posters using Rmarkdown
- Same conventions as pandoc presentations (e.g. reveal.js)1–3
- Separates content from presentation
- Goal: automatically get consistent spacing from specifications instead of a manual layout
See also the source code and compiled pdf for this poster on Github.
title: Title of your document within R Markdown's YAML header
output: drposter::drposter_poster
# {.col-3}
## Overall document columns (`<h1>`)
Content is organized using headers as sections. Level 1
sections define the overall layout of subblocks. Use the
`.col-x` class to use x columns for subblocks.
## Another left column block
You can place multiple subblocks within the same overall
.col-x, for example to get a 3-column layout like this
example code here.
# {.col-3}
## Individual content blocks (`<h2>`)
Actual content goes within the level 2 blocks, which have
two inner columns by default, e.g. for figures.

Most of the markdown commands seem to work, though there
are probably still some that are untested.
# {.col-3}
## Use this div to write your references in a section:
<div id="refs" class="references"></div>
- Package inspired by reveal.js presentation framework1 and its R package2
- Fonts under their respective licenses
- Logo: thanks to Openclipart for the CC0 graduation cap image, hexSticker for sticker generation, and bcbioSmallRna for a helpful sticker example
- See and the CSL project4 for more info about citation options (CC BY SA 3.0)
- drposter may be used under different licenses at your option
- Entire R package: GPLv3 (like R markdown)
- Files for the drposter pandoc template: same conditions as the official pandoc templates
- Poster CSS: CC0 public domain
For more information, please visit the
project page at Feel free to
report issues, pull requests, or general comments on Github.
devtools::install_github("bbucior/drposter", dep=FALSE)
on a downloaded copy) to install/update the package- In RStudio, you can find the format listed as a template under the “New R Markdown” wizard, or use the command line.
- Template files are cached in
to decouple your poster from the installed package version. Usedrposter_update
to resync them.
- Avoid modifying
- Indirectly override those rules in your own
or equivalent- Easier to see and share your changes
- Decouples your modifications from the base drposter styles
- Customize the format of the bibliography5,6 using a CSL style4
- View and “print as PDF” from Chrome7
- Be sure to save a PDF (and possibly html with
self_contained: true
) to archive your project at the end, in case there are changes in pandoc, rmarkdown, etc. - You can also render the poster in other formats, such as
## speed dist
## Min. : 4.0 Min. : 2.00
## 1st Qu.:12.0 1st Qu.: 26.00
## Median :15.0 Median : 36.00
## Mean :15.4 Mean : 42.98
## 3rd Qu.:19.0 3rd Qu.: 56.00
## Max. :25.0 Max. :120.00
Note the features for theming. If you had a special class attached to the .level1 or .slides/theme, you could use a general descendent selector to automatically get theming support, then break up these details into separate theme files.
This is an example of the default theme.
This is an example of the minimalist theme.
- tikzposter latex template, and its example themes for inspiration
- Other R markdown templates with their advantages/disadvantages (pdf compatibility, consistent syntax with flexdashboard, etc.)
(7) Limited testing shows that Firefox also works, but it doesn’t yet apply experimental CSS rules for page size.