This is a repository R-Ladies template using Quarto

The code to create this example is available here.
This Quarto extension can be installed using the following command:
quarto install extension beatrizmilz/quarto-rladies-theme
If you are unable to install Quarto extensions, you probably should update Quarto.
After you install the template, use the following code on terminal to create a new directory with all files needed:
quarto use template beatrizmilz/quarto-rladies-theme
Quarto templates may execute code when documents are rendered. If you do not
trust the authors of the template, we recommend that you do not install or
use the template.
? Do you trust the authors of this template (Y/n) › Yes
? Directory name: › WRITE/THE/DIRECTORY/HERE/talk/
[✓] Downloading
[✓] Unzipping
Found 1 extension.
[✓] Copying files...
Files created:
- quarto-rladies-theme.Rproj
- _extensions
- talk.qmd
Mickaël Canouil - Helped to transform the presentation into a template, helped with improvements in the theme.
Inspired in the xaringan theme made by Alison Hill
Martine Jansen - Martine's questions helped to improve the template content in order to make it easier for other people to use it!
Martine Jansen - Suggested the addition of the