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AsyncFuture 0.4.1 Release
- Subscribe Callback
- It is now supported to catch an exception. The future will be cancelled.
auto future = observe(input).subscribe([]() {
throw QException();
}).future(); // It will be cancelled.
- Combinator
It will set progressValue and progressMaxim of its contained future.
auto d1 = timeout(50);
auto d2 = timeout(60);
auto d3 = timeout(30);
auto combinator = combine();
combinator << d1 << d2 << d3;
auto future = combinator.future();
QCOMPARE(future.progressValue(), 0);
QCOMPARE(future.progressMaximum(), 3);
QCOMPARE(future.progressValue(), 3);
QCOMPARE(future.progressMaximum(), 3);
- Merged #8 - fix noisy gcc 7.3 shadow warning
Bug Fix
Not able to take rvalue reference type in subscribe callback.
Complete(QFuture<QFuture>) is a blocked call.