A web application that displays scores submitted by different players.
- JavaScript
- Html/Css
- webpack
to get this application in your local machine, follow the instructions below.
you need first to have the nodejs and npm installed in order to run the application, because the application uses webpack to bundle the modules and gh-pages the application to deploy it to Github pages.
install nodejs follow the steps in the link.
install npm
run this command to install the needed node packages
npm install --save-dev webpack webpack-cli html-webpack-plugin style-loader css-loader webpack-dev-server gh-pages
git clone https://github.com/benwmx/LeaderBoard.git
to build the project with webpack after committing your changes run this command
npm run build
to deploy the application to github pages run this command.
npm run deploy
👤 Rachid Boudaoudi
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
- Inspiration
- etc
This project is MIT licensed.