These badges are provided by the IDEAS-ECP group. They are free-to-use by members of the ECP community.
Some Examples Mark put together using If you click on the badges, it will take you to a page showing the badge zoomed in.
- Using Shields basic mode
- Using Shields JSON endpoint mode
- The JSON files referenced in these URLs are the ones in this repo.
- In above, icon intentionally extends outside of badge using popout style.
- In above, the svg needs to be scaled a tad larger (easily done) because here it is also using popout style but does not extend outside of badge. I am also using the square style which is intionally a tad larger than other badges.
- I wound up fiddling around a bit too much trying to adjust scaling and offset of the svg strings used here.
- This also allows for the badges to be dynamic in that changing the underlying JSON endpoint file then results in changing the badge.
- However, these tiny images are generated and cached on servers for a minimum of 300 seconds and so the soonest you may observe changes to an already existing rendered badge is after 300 seconds.
- You can adjust the cache life of a badge on but the minimum is 300 seconds.
- The above is a draft of logo for the CI4ECP work
- Using custom logo (svg or png) base64 encoded directly into the query string
- Using popout style with
- Using PNG instead of SVG
- note: uuencoded PNG requires a lot of chars and may exceed URL length limits for some browsers
- I used pngquant tool to minify the PNG used in this example