This project serves as a seed project
to build a REST API backend service using Play 2.6 / Scala.
This project uses :
Programming languages - Scala 2.12 or above
Play framework - Play 2.6.x or above
Persistence - MongoDB 3.4 or above
Build tool - Scala-SBT 1.1.1 or above
CI and CD -
Distribution - Docker
Support added for static analysis of code using Scalastyle To perform scala style check , use the below task :
./sbt scalastyle
Requirements on Local Machine:
A docker-compose.yml file is created with mongodb setup. The following docker images are used
- Mongo (Docker Image
Setting up the and running the databases just involves running
docker-compose up
Shutting down the containers
docker-compose down
This should start the mongodb server on your localhost:27017
Now run the application on localhost , using the below command
./sbt run
To build the application , use the below command
./sbt -Dsbt.ivy.home=.ivy2 clean universal:packageZipTarball
bgRun Start an application's default main class as a background job
bgRunMain Start a provided main class as a background job
clean Deletes files produced by the build, such as generated sources, compiled classes, and task caches.
compile Compiles sources.
console Starts the Scala interpreter with the project classes on the classpath.
consoleProject Starts the Scala interpreter with the sbt and the build definition on the classpath and useful imports.
consoleQuick Starts the Scala interpreter with the project dependencies on the classpath.
copyResources Copies resources to the output directory.
doc Generates API documentation.
package Produces the main artifact, such as a binary jar. This is typically an alias for the task that actually does the packaging.
packageBin Produces a main artifact, such as a binary jar.
packageDoc Produces a documentation artifact, such as a jar containing API documentation.
packageSrc Produces a source artifact, such as a jar containing sources and resources.
publish Publishes artifacts to a repository.
publishLocal Publishes artifacts to the local Ivy repository.
publishM2 Publishes artifacts to the local Maven repository.
run Runs a main class, passing along arguments provided on the command line.
runMain Runs the main class selected by the first argument, passing the remaining arguments to the main method.
scalastyle Run scalastyle on your code
test Executes all tests.
testOnly Executes the tests provided as arguments or all tests if no arguments are provided.
testQuick Executes the tests that either failed before, were not run or whose transitive dependencies changed, among those provided as arguments.
update Resolves and optionally retrieves dependencies, producing a report.
This project has an inbuilt Sample application , that performs the basic CRUD
(create , read , update , delete) operations over an User
import org.joda.time.DateTime
case class BioData(firstName: Option[String],
middleName: Option[String],
lastName: Option[String],
ageInYears : Option[Int],
gender : Option[String])
case class TotalDuration(years : Int,months : Int , days : Int)
case class CareerProfile(currentDesignation : Option[String],
currentOrganization : Option[String],
totalExperience : Option[TotalDuration],
careerBreak : Option[TotalDuration])
case class User(id: Option[String],
biodata: Option[BioData],
careerProfile: Option[CareerProfile],
creationDateTime: Option[DateTime],
modifiedDateTime: Option[DateTime])
The crud operations can be accessed at the following end points
GET /v1/api/users - Lists all users added
GET /v1/api/users/:id - Gets an user identified by id.
POST /v1/api/users - Adds an user to the database
Sample Payload
"biodata" : {
"firstName" : "Peter",
"middleName" : "Alex",
"lastName" : "Samuel",
"ageInYears" : 29,
"gender" : "MALE"
"careerProfile" : {
"currentDesignation" : "Senior Software Engineer",
"currentOrganization" : "ABC Solutions Inc.",
"totalExperience" : {
"years" : 6,
"months" : 2,
"days" : 10
"careerBreak" : {
"years" : 1,
"months" : 4,
"days" : 0
PUT /v1/api/users/:id - Updates a user identified by id.
Sample Payload
"biodata" : {
"firstName" : "George"
DELETE /v1/api/users/:id - Deletes a user identified by id.
Checkout the latest postman collections for the sample CRUD application