Releases: biaslab/ClosedFormExpectations.jl
Releases · biaslab/ClosedFormExpectations.jl
What's Changed
- Add
mean(::ClosedFormExpectation, f::Logpdf{LogGamma{T}}, q::GaussianDistributionsFamily)
by @Nimrais in #20 - feat: add mean(::ClosedFormExpectation, ::Logpdf{MVNormal}, ::MVNormal) by @Nimrais in #21
- Add mean(::ClosedFormExpectation, p::Logpdf{LinearLogGamma}, q::MvNormal) by @Nimrais in #22
Full Changelog: v0.2.0...0.2.1
ClosedFormExpectations v0.2.0
Merged pull requests:
- Implement ClosedWilliamsProduct for Normal (#10) (@Nimrais)
- support ClosedFormExpectation for GaussianDistributionsFamily (#11) (@Nimrais)
- Implement ClosedWilliamsProduct for NormalMeanVariance (#12) (@Nimrais)
- fix: implement Abs expectation over Normal (#14) (@Nimrais)
- build(deps): bump julia-actions/cache from 1 to 2 (#15) (@dependabot[bot])
- feat: mean(::ClosedWilliamsProduct, p::Abs, q::Normal) (#16) (@Nimrais)
- Support exponetial family for closed form expectation (#17) (@Nimrais)
- mean(expectation::ClosedWilliamsProduct, f, q::ExponentialFamilyDistribution{NormalMeanVariance}) (#18) (@Nimrais)
Closed issues:
- Register the package (#3)
ClosedFormExpectations v0.1.0
Merged pull requests:
- build(deps): bump julia-actions/setup-julia from 1 to 2 (#1) (@dependabot[bot])
- Add closed form expectation for Gamma (#7) (@Nimrais)
- feat: add mean(::ClosedWilliamsProduct, ::Logpdf(LogNormal), ::Gamma) (#9) (@Nimrais)
Closed issues:
Closed for expressions for the following functions are added:
- mean(::ClosedFormExpectation, ::typeof(log), q::Gamma)
- mean(::ClosedWilliamsProduct, ::typeof(log), q::Gamma)
- mean(::ClosedFormExpectation, ::typeof(xlogx), q::Gamma)
- mean(::ClosedFormExpectation, ::typeof(xlog2x), q::Gamma)
- mean(::ClosedFormExpectation, ::ComposedFunction{Square, typeof(log)}, q::Gamma)
- mean(::ClosedWilliamsProduct, ::ComposedFunction{Square, typeof(log)}, q::Gamma)
- mean(::ClosedFormExpectation, ::ComposedFunction{Power{Val{3}}, typeof(log)}, q::Gamma)
- mean(::ClosedFormExpectation, f::ComposedFunction{typeof(log), ExpLogSquare}, q::Gamma)
- mean(::ClosedWilliamsProduct, f::ComposedFunction{typeof(log), ExpLogSquare}, q::Gamma)
- mean(::ClosedFormExpectation, f::Logpdf{LogNormal{T}}, q::Gamma)
- mean(::ClosedWilliamsProduct, f::Logpdf{LogNormal{T}}, q::Gamma)
To make tests less repetitive a new test function is added central_limit_theorem_test
- Intuitive and flexible interface for specifying functions and distributions following
- Convenient
struct to represent log-probability density functions - Base.Fix1 support
- Laplace logpdf function expectation with respect to the Normal density
What's Changed
- Laplace with test by @Raphael-Tresor in #4
- Clean interface by @Nimrais in #6
Full Changelog: v0.0.1...v0.0.2