A promise based Ajax library for Node.js
is promise based ajax library for Node.js with backward compatibility for older browsers. For the browsers that support ES6 Promises
, Ajax call will return a promise. For the browsers that lacks Promises, the library will fallback to tradional Ajax calls. For browsers IE9 and below, it'll make suitable calls to get Ajax results.
The best part about this library is that the order of call doesn't change for users. Also it quite small library which is just 4Kb, or less than 2Kb when minimized, and ~860 bytes when minimized and gzipped.
Install the package by issue the command -
npm install --save ajaxed-promise
Include the package by issuing following command
ES6 module syntax -
import ajax from 'ajaxed-promise';
Node.js module syntax -
var ajax = require('ajaxed-promise');
You can now make various AJAX requests as follows
.then(successCallback, failureCallback);
.then(successCallback, failureCallback);
.then(successCallback, failureCallback);
.then(successCallback, failureCallback);
.then(successCallback, failureCallback);
where various attributes are
`url` (String) - URL from where data is to be retrieved
`data` (Object) - Data to be sent as a part of AJAX request (details below)
`successCallback` (Function) - Function that will be called when a data is obtained successfully from Ajax call
`failureCallback` (Function) - Function that will be called when Ajax call fails
Data Param
Sample data for Ajax request is -
{ // [Required] Except for GET (optional) and JSONP (ignored) calls
config: { // [Optional] Config data to be set for making Ajax call
timeout: 200, // [Optional] Timeout before Ajax request is terminated
credentials: true, // [Optional] Boolean to decides whether CORS requests should be made
headers: [ // [Optional] Set Request headers for Ajax calls
'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': '*',
'Content-type', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'
payload: { // [Reuqired] Except for GET and DELETE (ignored) calls
urlParam: false, // [Optional] If set to true, then payload.data is appended to URL itseld
data: {} // [Required] Data to be send alongwith URL
payload: {
urlParam: true,
data: {
results: 1
.then(function(data) {
- On IE8 and below, raw response is returned. User has to parse the response himself.