WARNING This software is in early alpha. Please do not rely on this with your life. Though great care has been taken to ensure that this code is as well structured and straight-forward as possible, it has not undergone proper peer-review and could have both minor and major bugs that undermine the integrity of the system.
is an early prototype of a censorship resistant dead man's switch for revealing the cryptographic key to a publicly accessible encrypted payload.
- ipfs for decentralized, immutable, peer-to-peer storage of the encrypted payload
- an ethereum smart contract for trustless and censorship resistant application state.
- a hidden
written ingo
that communicates with theethereum
smart contract and publishes theipfs
stored encrypted payload key in the event that thekillcord
owner stops checking in. - a client
killcord cli
written ingo
meant to run on a personally controlled system that bootstraps the entirekillcord
system and allows for checkins.
is designed for a project owner to be able to automatically release a decryption key in the circumstance that the owner stops checking-in after a predefined window of time. This allows an owner to release a secret data dump to the public in the event of death or disappearance.
It leverages
for its censorship resistance and the ability to cheaply and efficiently hold and share data sets of an arbitrary size. -
It leverages ethereum smart contracts as the backbone to the
system. The killcord smart contract holds the source of truth for the ipfsstorageEndpoint
hash, thelastCheckIn
data, and thepublishedKey
, in the event that the secret key is published. -
It leverages a
tool meant to run autonomously on a trusted system or set of systems. In its current form, it runs under a specialpublisher
identity. The publisher watches the smart contract for theLastCheckin
state and follows a set of publication rules. For example, if thepublisher
is configured to publish in the event that theLastCheckIn
was greater than 48 hours from the current time, thepublisher
would attempt to publish thedecryptionKey
for the IPFS payload to the smart contract. Thepublisher
is portable enough to run on a raspberry pi and even has an aws lambda handler so that it can be scheduled on lambda for virtually no cost.
To install killcord, you can download precompiled binaries from latest release from the releases tab on github. Once downloaded, move killcord
to your path, such as /usr/local/bin/
If you have go
installed, you can install the killcord cli tool by running:
go install github.com/nomasters/killcord/killcord
is a command-line tool meant to run from a personally trusted system. It is the primary interface to either own
or watch
a killcord project
killcord projects allow an owner
to upload an encrypted payload to IPFS with a globally unique hash
that is tied to a smart contract on ethereum. killcord
creates unique ipfs
and ethereum
accounts for each project (one for the contract owner and one for the publisher), and once a small amount of ETH
has been added to the newly generated account, it deploys a smart contract closely tied to the owner
of the account. Only the account owner is allowed to make writes to all functions on the smart contract, the publisher is only allowed to make writes on the publishedKey
The owner can interact with the project, once deployed with:
- checkin - a command used to let
know the owner is still around - status - a command used to check the status of the existing contract
- publish - the command used to bypass the
and post the decryption key to the smart contract.
With killcord
, the project owner has a special status. A project owner controls the initialization, deployment, and updating steps involved in a killcord project
Killcord projects have all of the configurations contained within the project directory. This includes all account information, secrets, and environmental variables related to the killcord project
. This allows you to run multiple killcord projects as an owner or a watcher as you see fit.
To create a new killcord project
as an owner, create an empty directory for the project.
$ mkdir my-example-killcord
$ cd my-example-killcord
then you will want to initialize the project that defaults to the ropsten
testnet on ethereum.
$ killcord init --dev
This will setup a killcord.toml
configuration file that includes 2 new ethereum accounts. The first account is your owner
account. This is the account that owns the contract on ethereum and it is tied to the owner project on your personal system. The second account is for your publisher. This is a special account with lower privileges that is only allowed to publish your key to the contract.
Once created, you will be given instructions on the owner and publisher accounts addresses that needs ETH to move forward. You should fund this account with ETH before moving forward.
Since we are running this project on the testnet
you can get free ETH to test by installing metamask and requesting some ETH from the MetaMask Ether Faucet.
NOTE: 1 ETH is more than enough to experiment with killcord
Before you continue, check your killcord account balances with the status
$ killcord status
Once your owner account is funded, you should deploy your contract:
$ killcord contract deploy
This will deploy the smart contract for your killcord project in an incomplete state. A contract needs to be linked to an ipfs encrypted payload before it is ready to be monitored by the publisher.
The encrypted data payload for killcord utilizes NaCL secretbox to encrypt a single-file payload. This file uses a 256 bit key that is randomly generated and saved inside of the project to be utilized by either the owner or publisher.
Place your files in the payload/source
folder in your project. If killcord
recognizes multiple files in this directory, it will automatically zip these files for you before encrypting it.
$ killcord encrypt
This command encrypts your data, saves it into the payload/encrypted
directory and saves the encryption key to the killcord.toml
to test that they payload will decrypt properly, use:
$ killcord decrypt
This will decrypt a payload found in the payload-encrypted
directory and save it to the payload-decrypted
directory. This should match the contents of the payload-source
Now that we have an encrypted payload, we need to deploy it to ipfs
. run:
$ killcord payload deploy
This adds the encrypted payload to ipfs
, it writes the ipfs
hash to you project configuration. Then, it updates your smart contract so that it is able to reference the IPFS hash as well.
is a decentralized permanent web. This means that anything posted there has a high likelihood of sticking around permanently. Existentially this means that killcord payloads should be treated very carefully. Payloads that exist should be intended for the public. This can't be overstated.
Reasons that a payload could be decrypted before you intend it to be:
- there is a flaw in
that exposes a vulnerability in the encryption - there is a flaw in the killcord implementation of
that exposes a vulnerability in the encryption - the owner's secret is divulged due to a compromised computer system
- the owner fails to properly fund the owner ethereum account causing the publisher to publish the key
- the owner fails to checkin due to neglect causing the publisher to publish the key
The safest way to think about posting any encrypted payload to IPFS is that it will one day be decrypted. If you are not comfortable with your payload eventually being public, you should not use this tool.
You now have a fully configured owner
account. We still need to configure a publisher
that will publish on your behalf in the event that you stop checking in, but first, let's checkin before moving forward:
killcord checkin
This is the primary action the owner
will take from this point forward. A checkin engages the smart contract with the owner account. Under the hood, the smart contract grabs the block.timestamp
of the block this transaction is part of and writes that timestamp to the lastCheckIn
variable. It is important to note that ethereum allows a timestamp drift of up to 900 seconds (15 minutes) by the miner, so it is important to keep this in mind when creating your Publisher, any timestamp can be +/- 15 minutes from reality. By default killcord
uses a publish threshold of 48 hours.
You can get your lastCheckin
recorded to the block chain at any time by running:
killcord status
killcord contract --kill
This kills the contract. Once a contract is killed, it cannot be undone, the owner would have to start a new project to continue.
It is important to note that though the contract and its variables will no longer be available, analysis tools for the blockchain that can extract variable state. Killing a contract will stop the contract from mutating in the future, but it will not delete old data. Data posted to your killcord contract is permanently stored on the ethereum blockchain.
killcord publish
This bypasses the automated publisher and publishes the decryption key for the contract.
A watcher is a non-privileged killcord project that downloads a local copy of the encrypted payload and watches the contract for the publication of a secret.
To start a watcher project create a new directory for the project
$ mkdir my-example-killcord-watcher
$ cd my-example-killcord-watcher
Initialize the watcher, since our example above used the testnet
we'll use the testnet here as well.
$ killcord watch 0x1dc634148b6d6537e95c26ddaabfc19e0f30e876 --dev
if the payload secret is already written to the contract, killcord will write the secret to the config on project creation, simply run
killcord decrypt
to see the payload.
If the project has not yet published its key, simply run
killcord status
this will give the watcher an update of the contract status, if the key is published, status
will write the payload secret to the configuration file and notify the watcher that the secret was published.
Currently, this is the least mature part of killcord and requires a bit of manual configuration. This is slated to change over the next few releases, but this section will outline what it will take to get a publisher running.
The publisher requires a subset of values from the killcord.toml
to work.
devMode = true # optional, defaults to false
secret = "SECRET"
rpcUrl = "" # optional, defaults to infura
mode = "testnet" # optional, defaults to mainnet
rpcUrl = "" # optional, defaults to infura
address = "HASH"
password = "PASSWORD"
keystore = "KEYSTORE"
warningThreshold = 0 # optional, defaults to 24 hours
publishThreshold = 0 # optional, defaults to 48 hours
These settings can also be expressed as environmental variables.
Required fields are:
Optional fields are:
KILLCORD_DEV_MODE \\ defaults to false
KILLCORD_PUBLISHER_WARNING_THRESHOLD \\ defaults to 24 hours if not included
KILLCORD_PUBLISHER_PUBLISH_THRESHOLD \\ defaults to 48 hours if not included
KILLCORD_PAYLOAD_RPCURL \\ defaults to infura.io
KILLCORD_CONTRACT_RPCURL \\ defaults to infura.io
To run the publisher one time from inside of the owner project, you can simply run
killcord publisher run
this runs the publisher and defaults to returning a warning if it has been 24 hours since the last checkin and defaults to publishing the payload secret after 48 hours from the last checkin.
You can manually change these thresholds in the killcord.toml
file or by setting the ENV_VARs outlined above.
Once a publisher is configured, the next step will be to schedule its runs. Currently there is no automatic way of doing this, but there are several solutions in the works including easy deploy tools for docker
and aws lambda
, and they are actively being worked on.
Without any special setups, killcord publisher run
can be scheduled with common unix tools such as cron
Killcord also provides an aws lambda handler, and an example project leveraging apex.run is in the examples/
directory in this repo
By default killcord
uses infura to make connections to ethereum and IPFS effortless, but if you are a more advanced user, you are encouraged to participate in hosting your own decentralized nodes.
There are two ways to wire up custom RPC endpoints
- add the RPC endpoint to the
config file - configure environmental variables for
If you find this project interesting, I'd love your help. you can reach me on keybase or even better, join the killcord group chat on keybase.