Seeder App for providing information related to BitcoinZ API and Wallet Servers
Requires node version 6.0 and above
Install npm dependencies with command:
npm install
Start the service with command:
npm start
After the service has been started, you should be able to browse to it on port 3434. Example: http://localhost:3434/seed/combined
Fetch a list of API servers
Example Request:
GET http://localhost:3434/seed/api
Example Response:
"apiServers": [
Fetch a list of BWS servers
Example Request:
GET http://localhost:3434/seed/bws
Example Response:
"bwsServers": [
Fetch a list of both API and BWS servers
Example Request:
GET http://localhost:3434/seed/combined
Example Response:
"apiServers": [
"bwsServers": [
To build the docker image run with command:
docker build -t btcz/bitcoinz-api-seeder .
Then run the docker image with command:
docker run -d --restart always -p 3434:3434 --name bitcoinz-api-seeder btcz/bitcoinz-api-seeder