BitcoinZ is based on Bitcoin + zkSNARKs and is a decentralized CDD.
Community-driven development (CDD) is a development initiative that provides control of the development process, resources and decision making authority directly to groups in the community.
Initial commit is beta, working. The commit is neccesary that the community can review the source code and assure that it is free of error, to commit changes and updates. Clean-up is needed.
Please post issues, concerns, comments, and pull requests.
BitcoinZ Web Wallet a client-side browser based wallet for BitcoinZ BTCZ based on MyZENWallet which is the original client-side browser-based wallet for ZenCASH.
for zcash tx
Download one of the releases, goto the dist
folder and double click index.html
yarn watch # watch and regenerate files
yarn start # start local host server