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Simple trade bot to show bitzlato exchange API


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Simple trade bot to show bitzlato exchange API

Вы можете задавать:

  • Пары для торговли
  • Объем выставляемого ордера в долларах
  • Количество выставляемых ордеров
  • Переменную отклонения от курса на покупку и/или продажу

Как установить

git clone
cd trade-bot
npm install

Как запускать

Для запуска необходим API токен. Сгенерировать его можно по адресу

node index.js --token "16e2af1f-4231-4370-a127-ca00280e568b"


Сейчас бот не умеет работать на парах с RUBM и USDM. Чтобы он не падал с ошибкой, необходимо перечислить пары в параметре запуска --pairs Например:

node index.js --token "c4e2b089-4573-45fe-b882-80828569b5dc" --pairs=ETH-BTC,LTC-BTC,DASH-BTC,LTC-ETH,DASH-ETH

Остальные параметры:

node index.js --help

  --token <token>    API Token
  --api [api]        API endpoint
  --pause [pause]    Pause in ms between ticks. Default 30000
  --random [random]  Place random orders. Default false
  --amount [amount]  Order amount in USD. Default 1 USD
  --pairs [pairs]    List of comma-separated bitzlato pairs to work on. Default all
  --bid-levels [bidLevels]  List of comma-separated multipliers for buying orders. Default 1.0 0.95 0.9 0.85 0.8
  --ask-levels [askLevels]  List of comma-separated multipliers for selling orders. Default 1.0 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2
  -h, --help         output usage information


node index.js --api \
  --token "dfbde5a6-119b-4c44-8194-0d6024093ead" \
  --pause=10000 \
  --amount 10 \
  --pairs ETH-BTC,ETH-BCH \
  --bid-levels 0.95 \
  --ask-levels 1.05,1.12 \

Каждые 10 секунд бот проверят курсы на kraken, отменяет свои старые ордера, выставляет новый ордер -5% на покупку, и два ордера на продажу +5% и +12%.


API in russian language is here

** IMPORTANT **: the list of methods, parameters and data format may change while the exchange is in beta testing mode.

General description

** IMPORTANT **: Any value representing the number of cryptocurrencies is always transmitted as a string! Money management Precision is managed by the server.

** ATTENTION **: all GET-parameters (going after? ) are optional, for the limit and skip parameters on the server should be used default values. (100 and 0 but may depend on the type of request).

All routes starting at / api / market / v1 / public / are public and are processed without access control. Routes starting with / api / market / v1 / private /: userId / require authentication and verification that the passed access token belongs to user userId.

Getting information about the user

Allows you to get userId for future use.

GET / api / auth / whoami

    {         name: ...,         userId: ...,     }

  • name - user's nickname
  • userId - numeric user id

Currency pairs

GET / api / market / v1 / public / pairs /

Getting a list of currency pairs.

Answer format:

    [       {         id: ...,         label: ...,         status: ...,         price: {           min: ...,           max: ...,           last: ...         },         volume: {           base: ...,           quote: ...         },         priceChange: ...,       },       ....     ]      The format for describing a currency pair is the same as the response format of the GET / api / market / v1 / public / pairs /: id route.     

GET / api / market / v1 / public / pairs /: id

Getting information about the currency pair with the identificator id.

Answer format:

    {       id: ...,       label: ...,       status: ...,       price: {         min: ...,         max: ...,         last: ...       },       volume: {         base: ...,         quote: ...       },       priceChange: ...,     }     

  • id - currency pair identifier in the format: (base) - :( quote) , where   base is the base currency, and quote is the quoted currency   

  • label - the displayed name of the currency pair may be the same as ʻid`, but it may differ   

  • status - currency pair status, possible values: active, frozen

  • price - information about the exchange rate for this currency pair

  • price.min - the maximum price for the last 24 hours

  • price.max - the minimum price for the last 24 hours

  • price.last - the price of the last transaction

  • volume - trading volume for this currency pair in the last 24 hours

  • volume.base - volume in base currency

  • volume.quote - volume in quoted currency

  • priceChange - price change for 24 hours, the sign is an indicator of the direction of change

Work with public orders

GET / api / market / v1 / public / orders /: pair /: offerType

Getting a list of active (open) orders.

The result should be sorted by price:

for bid from the highest to the lowest

for ask from the lowest to the highest

Request parameters:

  • pair - currency pair identifier

  • offerType - order type, possible options: bid or ask

Answer format:

    {       data: [         {           id: ...,           pair: ...,           offerType: ...,           amount: ...,           price: ...         },         ...       ],       maxCount: ...    }    

  • data - an array with order descriptions that should be sorted by data.price: in the case of bid by    ascending, and in the case of an ask descending.     

  • data.pair - currency pair identifier

  • data.offerType - type of order, possible options: bid or ask

  • data.amount - order size in the base currency

  • data.price - the price of the base currency in the quoted

  • maxCount - the maximum number of records that the server can return (the actual number can be   less)

GET / api / market / v1 / public / trades /: pair /

Getting a list of recent deals (see order_logs). Request parameters:

  • : pair - currency pair identifier

Answer format:

    {       data: [         {           id: ...,           amount: {              base: ...,              quote: ...           },           price: ...,           date: ...,           type: ...         },         ...       ],       maxCount: ...     }     

  • data - an array with descriptions of recent deals

  • - deal ID

  • data.amount - description of the deal size

  • data.amount.base - deal size in the base currency

  • data.amount.quote - deal size in` quoted 'currency

  • data.price - the price of the base currency in the quoted

  • - the date of the transaction

  • data.side - the type of the deal sell or buy is determined by the type of a new order

  • maxCount - the maximum number of records that the server can return (the actual number can be   less)

Work with your own orders

GET / api / market / v1 / private /: userId / orders /: orderId

Getting a description of your own order

  id: ...,
  pair: ...,
  isActive: ...,
  offerType: ...,
  amount: {
    origin: ...,
    matched: ...,
    rest: ...
  price: ...,
  fee: ...,
  status: ...,
  created: ...
  • id - order identifier

  • pair - currency pair identifier

  • isActive - a boolean sign that the order is active

  • status - description of the order processing status

  • offerType - order type, possible options: bid or ask

  • price - the price of the base currency in the quoted

  • amount - description of the order size in the base currency

  • amount.origin - the size specified when creating the order

  • amount.matched - the total size of deals executed on the order

  • - how much is left before the order is closed

DELETE / api / market / v1 / private /: userId / orders /: orderId

Cancel Order.

GET / api / market / v1 / private /: userId / orders /? Pair =: pair & limit =: limit & skip =: skip

  • pair - currency pair identifier

  • limit - limit on the number of returned records

  • skip - the number of records that must be skipped

Getting a list of your own orders. Answer format:

  data: [
  total: ...
  • data - list of order descriptions in the same format as the route response format GET / api / market / v1 / private /: userId / orders /: orderId

  • total - the total number of orders that satisfy the filtering conditions

POST / api / market / v1 / private /: userId / orders /

Create a new order.

Request format:

  pair: ...,
  offerType: ...,
  amount: ...,
  price: ...
  • pair - currency pair identifier

  • offerType - order type, possible options: bid or ask

  • price - the price of the base currency in the quoted

  • amount - description of the order size in the base currency

The response format is the same as the response format of the GET / api / market / v1 / private /: userId / orders /: orderId route.

POST / api / market / v1 / private /: userId / orders / idle

It allows you to evaluate the result of the creation of an order without actually creating it.

The request format is the same as the request route format POST / api / market / v1 / private /: userId / orders /.

The response format is the same as the response format of the GET / api / market / v1 / private /: userId / orders /: orderId route. Exception, id fields that cannot be determined.

GET / api / market / v1 / private /: userId / trades /? OrderId =: orderId & pair =: pair & limit =: limit & skip =: skip

Getting your own transaction history. Possible query parameters:

  • orderId - order identifier

  • pair - currency pair identifier

  • limit - limit on the number of returned records

  • skip - the number of records that must be skipped

Answer format:

  data: [
      id: ...,
      pair: ...,
      action: ...,
      amount: {
         base: ...,
         quote: ...
      price: ...,
      date: ...,
      side: ...,
      fee: ...
  total: ...
  • data - an array of descriptions of completed deals

  • - deal ID

  • data.pair - currency pair identifier

  • data.action - type of action, possible options: bid or ask

  • data.amount - description of the deal size

  • data.amount.base - deal size in the base currency

  • data.amount.quote - deal size in` quoted 'currency

  • data.price - the price of the base currency in the quoted

  • - the date of the deal

  • data.side - the type of the deal sell or buy is determined by the type of a new order

  • data.fee - the size of the deal commission. The commission is always specified in the currency that the user received in the result of the transaction

  • total - the total number of deals that satisfy the filtering conditions


GET / api / market / v1 / public / stats / candlestick /: pair? After =: after & before =: before & width =: width

Getting data to display "candlesticks".

Request parameters:

  • pair - currency pair identifier

  • after - time limit below the requested data.

  • before - the time limit on top of the requested data, the default value is the current time

  • width - interval width, possible values: 1h (one hour), 1d (one day). In the future, you may add   other values ​​(see binance). The default is 1h.

In the case when the number of requested candles ((before - after) / width) is greater than 200 (any reasonable digit written in the configuration file) - return the error 400 Bad Request.

The values ​​of after and before should be rounded down and up, respectively, along the boundaries intervals. For example, if the query is width = 1h, and after = 19: 10 (in fact, the query will be unix-time), then in As the first "candle" it is necessary to return the one that starts at 19: 00.

Answer format:

    [       {         date: ...,         price: {           open: ...,           close: ...,           high: ...,           low: ...         },         volume: {           base: ...,           quote: ...         }       },       ...     ]

The array contains a list of descriptions of "candles" with the following fields:

  • date - the date of the creation of the candle, the beginning of the time interval corresponding to this candle

  • price - price data of the base currency in `quoted 'during the interval

  • - at the beginning of the interval

  • price.close - at the end of the interval

  • price.hight - maximum for the interval

  • price.low - minimum for the interval

  • volume - turnover data for the interval

  • volume.base - in base currency

  • volume.quote - in` quoted 'currency


Simple trade bot to show bitzlato exchange API







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