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Wind Waker Randomizer + The Legend of Zelda - A Missing Link

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@bkacjios bkacjios released this 01 Dec 21:08
· 387 commits to master since this release


  • Added support for Wind Waker Randomizer
  • Added support for The Legend of Zelda: A Missing Link
  • Re-implemented the loading of an external clones.lua file
  • Removed some development files that may have been causing a false-positive in anti-virus software

Virus false-positives

Apparently, windows defender started marking the installer as a Trojan, for some reason. After investigating and rebuilding the installer a few times, I narrowed it down to one or two old and unused development files that I had accidentally been including in the installer this whole time. After removing them, it seems the false-positive has gone away for now.

You can view these files for yourself by opening the m-overlay-x64.exe in previous releases as a zip archive. I have highlighted the files I believe were causing this issue below.




This file is an old and incomplete version of something I was working on for another project of mine. It allowed the program to interact with dolphin through a virtual controller by interfacing with the program vJoy. It was completely inactive in m-overlay, and even if it were active, all it would do would print the version of vJoy installed on the system to the debug console.



This file was the start of trying to decode a wav audio file and parse it for loop points. This would allow me to support seamlessly looping music files as requested in issue #48. Like the vjoy file, this file was also inactive, and if it had been used at all, all it would've done is allow the program to parse the header of a wav file.