This is simple Java based solr sink kafka connector, that takes plain json data from kafka topic and push to solr, uses solr cloud.
Note: for now only plain JSON data is supported and keep schemas.enable=false for value converter.
Refer/Use configuration: config files
Mandatory Fields:
topics=your toipic name
solr.collection=your solr collection name
solr.zkhosts=comma separated zookeeper hosts
example: localhost:2181,localhost:2183,localhost:2182
This connector can consume only JSON type object from kafka topic. Further, can be used for both delete and insert of document. To delete pass additional field _delete_
in values(no need to maintain this field in solr/solr schema file), this field will be removed before indexing data to solr. Based on boolean values(true/false) in _delete_
, delete/insert operation is triggered