The Blackbaud-CRM-Conferences repo contains presentations and code samples from the Blackbaud CRM Developers Conferences.
The developer conferences bring together SDK users to share best practices, exchange ideas, build relationships, and learn from Blackbaud CRM SDK experts. This this repo supports that mission by providing access to presentation materials from the conferences.
- Blackbaud CRM SDK GitHub Pages
- Blackbaud CRM Read Me.
- Blackbaud CRM SDK Developer Guides
- Blackbaud Developer Network
- Blackbaud CRM Technical Reference Documentation
Third-party contributions are how we keep the code samples great. We want to keep it as easy as possible to contribute changes that show others how to do cool things with Blackbaud SDKs and APIs. There are a few guidelines that we need contributors to follow.
For more information, see our canonical contributing guide in the Blackbaud CRM repo which provides detailed instructions, including signing the Contributor License Agreement.