This R package includes commonly used functions for R analysis in the Blaser Lab.
You can install the latest version of blaseRtools with:
# using base function
install.packages('blaseRtools', repos = c('', ''))
# or if using blaseRtemplates function
blaseRtemplates::install_one_package("blaseRtools", "new")
All commonly used functions for the end user are prefixed "bb_". If you load the blaseRtools package and supporting data with
Then if you run ``library("blaseRtools")``` you can access functions by typing "bb_" and an autocomplete window with selections should pop up.
Functions related to the "Ape" and "Trace" classes are prefixed "Ape." and "Trace.", respectively.
All functions are documented and have help pages which can be reviewed after installation. Tutorials describing typical use-cases for each module of functions are linked when available.
- bb_align
- bb_annotate_npc
- bb_cellmeta
- bb_cluster_representation
- bb_doubletfinder
- bb_gene_dotplot
- bb_gene_modules
- bb_gene_pseudotime
- bb_gene_umap
- bb_gene_violinplot
- bb_goenrichment
- bb_gosummary
- bb_load_tenx_targz
- bb_monocle_regression
- bb_pseudobulk_mf
- bb_qc
- bb_rejoin
- bb_rowmeta
- bb_seurat_anno
- bb_triplecluster
- bb_var_umap
Ape class: Programmatic methods for working with genbank files.
- Ape.DNA
- Ape.fasta
- Ape.fimo
- Ape.granges
- Ape.setFeatures
- bb_parseape
- bb_make_ape_genomic
- bb_make_ape_transcript
Trace class: A container for working with range-based data from ATAC and ChIP-seq experiments.
- bb_buff_granges
- bb_makeTrace
- bb_merge_narrowpeaks
- bb_metafeature
- bb_plot_trace_axis
- bb_plot_trace_data
- bb_plot_trace_feature
- bb_plot_trace_links
- bb_plot_trace_model
- bb_plot_footprint
- bb_promoter_overlap
- bb_read_bam
- bb_read_narrowpeak
- Trace.features
- Trace.gene_model
- Trace.links
- Trace.plot_range
- Trace.setFeatures
- Trace.setLinks
- Trace.setRange
Image blinding for quantitative analysis
- bb_blind_images
- bb_unblind_images