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@satran004 satran004 released this 31 Mar 16:06
· 596 commits to master since this release

Key Changes

  1. Project restructuring and new backends
    - cardano-client-lib : This is the core module. It contains low level serialization apis, high-level apis and composable functions to build transactions.
    - cardano-client-backend : This module contains backend service apis.
    - Backend modules : The following backend modules are currently supported for different providers.
    - cardano-client-backend-blockfrost (Status: Stable)
    - cardano-client-backend-koios (Status: Beta)
    - cardano-client-backend-ogmios (Status: Experimental. Only submitTransaction & evaluateTx api)
    - cardano-client-backend-gql (Status: Deprecated)

  2. A new abstraction layer to avoid direct dependencies with BackendService. The core module provides 3 simple interfaces which can be implemented by an application to build and submit transactions to Cardano blockchain

    1. UtxoSupplier : To supply utxos
    2. ProtocolParamsSupplier : To provide protocol prarameters
    3. TransactionProcessor : To submit a transaction to Cardano node.

    Note: The out-of-box implementations of above interfaces use backend service api.

  3. Staking related cbor serialization. The following staking related use cases are now possible.
    - Staking key registration
    - Stake Delegation
    - Staking key de-registration

    Staking Examples

  4. Added new UtxoSelection strategies
    - RandomImproveUtxoSelectionStrategy
    - LargestFirstUtxoSelectionStrategy

  5. Evaluate Tx method in TransactionService to calculate ExUnits. This method is currently implemented for Blockfrost and Ogmios backends.

  6. Util method to calculate tx hash from a transaction object. (TransactionUtil)

Breaking Changes

  • BackendFactory class has been removed. To create an instance of BackendService, use backend specific implementation class. Example: BFBackendService, KoiosBackendService, OgmiosBackendService etc.
  • Fixed typo in BlockService.getLatestBlock() method name

To remove Backend api's dependency from core

  • ScriptUtxoFinders.findFirstByDatum takes UtxoSupplier as parameter instead of UtxoService
  • DefaultUtxoSelectionStrategy’s constructor takes UtxoSupplier as parameter instead of UtxoService
  • DefaultUtxoSelector’s constructor takes UtxoSupplier as parameter instead of UtxoService
  • TxBuilderContext.init method takes UtxoSupplier, ProtocolParamsSupplier as parameters instead of BackendService

Package name changes:

Please refer to below old and new package names to know package name changes.

New Packages

Old Packages:

PRs / Other Changes

  • Refactored UtxoSelectionStrategy + added RandomImproveUtxoSelectionStrategy by @stikkos in #80
  • Fix [#79] - Retry fee calculation (with amount = amount - fee) in cas… by @satran004 in #84
  • UTXO supplier abstraction by @stikkos in #88
  • Add Koios Backend Support by @edridudi in #87
  • Fix: Koios backend failed integration test (#89) + Move Koios Urls to a Constant class in koios main module bloxbean (#90) by @edridudi in #91
  • [#75] Implemented staking related cbor serialization and tests by @satran004 in #92
  • Updated project structure to avoid core module's direct dependency with Backend service apis by @satran004 in #93
  • Ogmios backend initial implementation by @satran004 in #95
  • Bump Koios Java Lib to 1.6 by @edridudi in #97
  • Fix Koios Backend Functionality following Integration Tests by @edridudi in #99
  • add util to get tx_hash by @SomeReason in #100
  • Koios Java Lib Version Bump to 1.9 - Add Support for UTxO Ordering by @edridudi in #101
  • Cosmetics by @edridudi in #102

Full Changelog: v0.2.0-beta2...v0.2.0-beta3


  • Core module
  • Backend modules
    • For backend support, use one of the following supported backend module
        <!-- For Blockfrost backend -->
         <!-- For Koios backend -->
         <!-- For Ogmios backend -->

        <!-- For Cardano Graphql backend -->

For Gradle, add the following dependencies to build.gradle

  • Core Module
implementation 'com.bloxbean.cardano:cardano-client-lib:0.2.0-beta3'
  • Backend modules
    • For backend support, use one of the following supported backend module
//For Blockfrost
implementation 'com.bloxbean.cardano:cardano-client-backend-blockfrost:0.2.0-beta3'

//For Koios
implementation 'com.bloxbean.cardano:cardano-client-backend-koios:0.2.0-beta3'

//For Ogmios
implementation 'com.bloxbean.cardano:cardano-client-backend-ogmios:0.2.0-beta3'

//For Cardano Graphql
implementation 'com.bloxbean.cardano:cardano-client-backend-gql:0.2.0-beta3'