A program to automatically schedule classes through Denison's scheduling system.
Denison's scheduling system is very common...we use the Self-Service Banner provided by Ellucian and have a first-come-first-serve method of selecting classes. I've never been shut out of a class, but I also don't intend to. That being said, the script kiddie in me decided I could automate the process to make it much easier and more efficient. Thus, I have this program. Simply enter your UserID, pin, and course registation and the program will do everything for you at the right time.
While I did write this program, I'm hesitant to post it on Github (as with some other projects) because I don't want someone else to find it and use it without my permission until I graduate...if everyone has this advantage then no one has the advantage. So, if you'd like to see the code feel free to email me. I'd love to talk about it and give a preview...super fun stuff!
Progress: It's Been Used And Works! Yay!