met-scDRS is a statistical tool for finding disease associated cells and genes in single cell methylome data. This tutorial will illustrate how we used met-scDRS to find:
- Major depression disorder (MDD) associated cells in GSE215353 methylome atlas
- prioritized gene set compared to GWAS MAGMA genes
- brain regions disease association heterogeneity
Single-Cell DNA Methylation and 3D Genome Human Brain Atlas
filtered for low variance genes (5th percentile or lower)
gene_variances = pd.Series(merged_adata.X.var(axis=0), index=merged_adata.var_names)
percentile_5th = gene_variances.quantile(0.05)
variance_mask = gene_variances >= percentile_5th
merged_adata = merged_adata[:, variance_mask]
as well as taking 1-raw fraction:
merged_adata.X = 1 - merged_adata.X
outputting to h5ad file:
full script documented in:
python \
--fraction_path ${methylation_csv} \
--output_path ${processed_fraction}
- fraction_path: path to raw fraction csv that you would like to filter for low variance genes and inverse the fraction
- output_path: path for writing the processed fraction csv
python \
--fraction_path ${processed_fraction}
--meta_path ${meta_data_csv}
--h5ad_path ${output_h5ad}
- fraction_path: path to processed fraction output of
- meta_data_csv: path to cells' meta data. e.g.: transcription batch, donor
- h5ad_path: output path for converted h5ad
scdrs compute-score \
--h5ad-file ${h5ad_path} \
--h5ad-species ${species} \
--gs-file ${gs_file} \
--gs-species human \
--out-folder ${output_dir} \
--flag-filter-data False \
--flag-raw-count False \
--n-ctrl 1000 \
--weight_opt "inv_std" \
--flag-return-ctrl-raw-score False \
--flag-return-ctrl-norm-score True
- h5ad-file: the processed h5ad file for with inverse methylation fraction (1-raw fraction)
- h5ad-species: which species is sequenced in h5ad, supports mouse or human
- gs-file: gene set file that contain the disease putative genes more info
- gs-species: which species is putative disease genes coded for, supports mouse or human
- out-folder: folder for output, create subdirectories for each gene set enclosed in gs-file
- n-ctrl: number of control gene sets to sample
- flag-return-ctrl-raw-score: if you wish met-scDRS to return raw scores for sampled control genes
- flag-return-ctrl-norm-score: if you wish met-scDRS to return normalized score for sampled control genes
Compute the gene wise correlation between the processed methylation level and the met-scDRS risk score here is how we computed the prioritized genes using met-scDRS risk scores and the processed methylation level. At its core, we use the spearman correlation between risk score and methylation level to prioritized genes