Here you can find some tools and resources that would be helpful to you as an IBMi student or professional.
1885 - Julius E. Pitrap patented the computing scale 1888 - Alexander Dey invented the dial recorder 1889 - Herman Hollerith patented the Electric Tabulating Machine; Willard Bundy invented a time clock to record workers' arrival and departure times on a paper tape. 1911 - IBM founded as Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company (CTR) based in Endicott, New York. 1924 - CTR renamed as IBM 1939 - WW2 started 1952 - IBM 701, vaccum-tube based PC and the first commercial stored-program computer by IBM 1956 - IBM 305, PC with hard disk drive; IBM 704 - earliest demo of AI by Arthur Samuel 1957 - FORTRAN developed 1958 - IBM 7000 and 1400 series, the transistor based PCs 1961 - Development of SABRE reservation system by IBM. 1964 - IBM launched the first computer system family, the IBM System/360. 1966 - OS/360, the Big OS developed and released for S/360. 1969 - UNIX development started, originally in Assembly (asm) and cont for next 3 years CICS, middleware developed by IBM for S/360 1970 - System/370 1973 - UNIX 4.0 re-written in C 1974 - MVS (Multiple Virtual Storage) released, the most commonly used operating system on the System/370, System/390 and IBM Z IBM mainframe computers. 1984 - OS/VS1 (Operating System/Virtual Storage 1) released for S/370. 1986 - AIX released. IBM's series of proprietary Unix operating systems.
Server -
DB - DB2 for i, DB2/400, IBM DB2
Programming Languages -
Scripting Languages -
Query Language -
Markdown is a lightweight and easy-to-use syntax for styling your writing. It includes conventions for
What are some programming languages that I've used on an IBMi?
There are two models of programming languages on IBMi, OPM and ILE
OPM (Old Programming Model) - only supports traditional IBMi languages (like CL, RPG, SQLRPG etc.)
1. CL (source-member type: CLP)
2. RPG (source-member type: RPG)
3. SQLRPG (source-member type: SQLRPG)
ILE (Interactive Language Environment) - independent of programming language, hence supports collaboration with newer languages as well (like C, C++, Java, PHP, Node.js, Python etc.)
1. CL (source-member type: CLLE)
2. RPG (source-member type: RPGLE)
3. SQLRPG (source-member type: SQLRPGLE)
Popular technologies I'm exploring while working on IBMi
for data-handling and data-presentation
1. MS Excel (.csv, .xlsx, .xls)
2. Plain text (.txt)
3. PDF (.pdf)
4. HTML - rarely in demand
5. HTTP URL - rarely in demand, I used it via a ProfoundUI function pui.openURL
for data-exchange
1. XML (using SOAP API)
2. JSON (using REST API)
for data-transmission
1. FTP (invoked using RUNRMTCMD and batch/CMD scripts present at PC)
3. IBM WebServices
open source support (OSS) for IBM i
5733-SC1 (OpenSSL and OpenSSH) - necessary for SSH clients like PuTTY, Code For i (VSCode Pkg)
5770-DG1 (Apache HTTP Server and XML Service)
5770-JV1 (Java)
5773-OPS (Open Source for IBM i) - created in 2014; deprecated since 2019-12-15; not supported beyond 7.2; use RPM-based open source pkgs
# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3
- Bulleted
- List
1. Numbered
2. List
**Bold** and _Italic_ and `Code` text
[Link](url) and 
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