This is simple game named Minesweeper. Rules known to all. Not very stable at now this moment, but quite playable.
- To compile:
just run
$ make
- To run the game:
just run
$ ./minesweeper
you will see the minefield 10X10 with 10 mines hidden in it.
- To play
put on your keyboard 3 digits separated by spaces: the X-coordinate, the Y-coordinate, and action if action == 1, it will open the place on (X, Y) position. If action != 1, then flag will be placed on (X, Y)
For example:
1 2 1 // open place on (1, 2)
3 5 2 // set flag in (3, 5)
Game ends when all places, except mines, will be opened(win case) or when you open any place with mine in it :)