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Revert "Add completed at for exercises inside UserTrainingProgram" #105

Revert "Add completed at for exercises inside UserTrainingProgram"

Revert "Add completed at for exercises inside UserTrainingProgram" #105

Workflow file for this run

name: Deploy Dev to Docker Hub and DigitalOcean
- main
DO_REMOTE: ${{ secrets.DO_REMOTE }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Checkout the code
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v3
# Log in to Docker Hub
- name: Docker Hub login
run: echo "$DOCKER_PASSWORD" | docker login -u "$DOCKER_USERNAME" --password-stdin
# Build the frontend image
- name: Build frontend Docker image
run: |
FRONTEND_IMAGE_TAG=${{ github.sha }}
docker build -t cmpe451group7/frontend:$FRONTEND_IMAGE_TAG ./frontend
docker tag cmpe451group7/frontend:${{ github.sha }} cmpe451group7/frontend:latest
# Build the backend image
- name: Build backend Docker image
run: |
BACKEND_IMAGE_TAG=${{ github.sha }}
docker build -t cmpe451group7/backend:$BACKEND_IMAGE_TAG ./backend/demo-group7
docker tag cmpe451group7/backend:${{ github.sha }} cmpe451group7/backend:latest
# Push the frontend image to Docker Hub
- name: Push frontend Docker image
run: |
FRONTEND_IMAGE_TAG=${{ github.sha }}
docker push cmpe451group7/frontend:$FRONTEND_IMAGE_TAG
docker push cmpe451group7/frontend:latest
# Push the backend image to Docker Hub
- name: Push backend Docker image
run: |
BACKEND_IMAGE_TAG=${{ github.sha }}
docker push cmpe451group7/backend:$BACKEND_IMAGE_TAG
docker push cmpe451group7/backend:latest
# Login to DigitalOcean Droplet and trigger deployment updates
- name: Deploy to DigitalOcean
run: |
sshpass -p "${{ secrets.DO_SSH_PASSWORD }}" ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@${{ secrets.DO_REMOTE }} << EOF
echo "Updating backend and frontend deployments"
kubectl set image deployment/frontend frontend=cmpe451group7/frontend:${{ github.sha }} --namespace=default
kubectl set image deployment/backend backend=cmpe451group7/backend:${{ github.sha }} --namespace=default
kubectl rollout status deployment/frontend --timeout=5m --namespace=default
kubectl rollout status deployment/backend --timeout=5m --namespace=default
# Sleep before checking pod status
# - name: Sleep before checking pod status
# run: sleep 30
# Check the status of the frontend pods
# - name: Check frontend pod status
# run: |
# sshpass -p "${{ secrets.DO_SSH_PASSWORD }}" ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@${{ secrets.DO_REMOTE }} << EOF
# echo "Checking the status of the frontend pods:"
# FRONTEND_WAITING_REASONS=\$(kubectl get pods -l app=frontend --namespace=default -o jsonpath='{.items[*].status.containerStatuses[*].state.waiting.reason}')
# if [ -z "\$FRONTEND_WAITING_REASONS" ]; then
# echo "All frontend pods are running successfully. No containers are waiting."
# else
# echo "Error: Some frontend pods are not running successfully."
# echo "Waiting reasons for frontend pods: \$FRONTEND_WAITING_REASONS"
# exit 1
# fi
# # Check the status of the backend pods
# - name: Check backend pod status
# run: |
# sshpass -p "${{ secrets.DO_SSH_PASSWORD }}" ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@${{ secrets.DO_REMOTE }} << EOF
# echo "Checking the status of the backend pods:"
# BACKEND_WAITING_REASONS=\$(kubectl get pods -l app=backend --namespace=default -o jsonpath='{.items[*].status.containerStatuses[*].state.waiting.reason}')
# if [ -z "\$BACKEND_WAITING_REASONS" ]; then
# echo "All backend pods are running successfully. No containers are waiting."
# else
# echo "Error: Some backend pods are not running successfully."
# echo "Waiting reasons for backend pods: \$BACKEND_WAITING_REASONS"
# exit 1
# fi