I am Roland Eigelsreiter aka BrainFooLong, i full-time web developer from austria. With focus on PHP and JS. I create and contribute to open source software as often as i can.
- brainfoolong/js-aes-php - Slim native AES encryption/decryption on client side with Javascript and on server side with PHP. No external CryptoJS required. (1 month ago)
- brainfoolong/form-data-json - A zero dependency, cross browser library to easily get or set/manipulate form input values as/from a json object. (1 month ago)
- NullixAT/nullix-server-hardware-performance-test-tool - A simple command line tool to test your server/desktop/hardware performance. (1 month ago)
- frmlx/framelix - A rich featured, Full-Stack PHP framework with built-in backend and data management capabilities for internal/public data applications. (2 months ago)
- aVadim483/fast-excel-writer - Lightweight and very fast XLSX Excel Spreadsheet Writer in PHP (4 months ago)
- aVadim483/fast-excel-helper - (4 months ago)
- beyond-all-reason/Beyond-All-Reason - Main game repository for Beyond All Reason. (4 months ago)
- brainfoolong/cryptojs-aes-php - CryptoJS AES encryption/decryption on client side with Javascript and on server side with PHP (6 months ago)
- brainfoolong/js-ascon - JavaScript / TypeScript Implementation of Ascon, a family of authenticated encryption (AEAD) and hashing algorithms designed to be lightweight. (11 months ago)
- brainfoolong/js-aes-php - Slim native AES encryption/decryption on client side with Javascript and on server side with PHP. No external CryptoJS required.
- brainfoolong/gdscript-midi-parser - Godot GDScript 4+ Midi File Parser and Player
- brainfoolong/js-ascon - JavaScript / TypeScript Implementation of Ascon, a family of authenticated encryption (AEAD) and hashing algorithms designed to be lightweight.
- brainfoolong/php-ascon - PHP 8+ Implementation of Ascon, a family of authenticated encryption (AEAD) and hashing algorithms designed to be lightweight
- brainfoolong/misc - Miscellaneous
- brainfoolong/form-data-json - A zero dependency, cross browser library to easily get or set/manipulate form input values as/from a json object.
- brainfoolong/better-battlelog - Better Battlelog legacy code and legacy website. It was fun :)
- brainfoolong/IntoTheBreachTranslations - Inofficial Translations for PC Game Into the Breach.
- brainfoolong/unity-music-visualizer - Basic music visualization project for Unity.
- brainfoolong/web-ftp-client - A web based, always online, FTP/SFTP client. Like filezilla but for your browser.
- aVadim483/fast-excel-helper (v1.2.3, 3 weeks ago) -
- brainfoolong/form-data-json (2.2.3, 1 month ago) - A zero dependency, cross browser library to easily get or set/manipulate form input values as/from a json object.
- NullixAT/nullix-server-hardware-performance-test-tool (0.2.0, 1 month ago) - A simple command line tool to test your server/desktop/hardware performance.
- aVadim483/fast-excel-writer (v6.4.1, 1 month ago) - Lightweight and very fast XLSX Excel Spreadsheet Writer in PHP
- brainfoolong/js-aes-php (1.0.1, 6 months ago) - Slim native AES encryption/decryption on client side with Javascript and on server side with PHP. No external CryptoJS required.
- brainfoolong/cryptojs-aes-php (2.3.0, 1 year ago) - CryptoJS AES encryption/decryption on client side with Javascript and on server side with PHP
- fixed unclosed filehandle on aVadim483/fast-excel-writer (4 months ago)
- fixed php 8.4 warning on aVadim483/fast-excel-helper (4 months ago)
- fixed php 8.4 warning on aVadim483/fast-excel-writer (4 months ago)
- adding sc_n (command_skip_current) and ctrl+sc_n command_cancel_last to legacy keybinds on beyond-all-reason/Beyond-All-Reason (5 months ago)
- adding sc_n (command_skip_current) and ctrl+sc_n command_cancel_last to legacy keybinds on beyond-all-reason/Beyond-All-Reason (5 months ago)
- Added PHP and JS/TS submodules on ascon/ascon_collection (1 year ago)
- fixed wrong codepoint (also wrong on website) on stephenhutchings/microns (2 years ago)
- fixed regexp not properly escape windows backslash in path on microsoft/playwright (2 years ago)
- fix php 8.1 error when autoFilter['ref'] is null in AutoFilter on PHPOffice/PhpSpreadsheet (3 years ago)
- fixed is_file() call with null in PHP 8.1 on lbuchs/WebAuthn (3 years ago)
- Install Podman Desktop on Windows 11 + WSL Installation + Podman Desktop showing WSL containers (3 weeks ago)
- Welcome in CSTP (1 month ago)
- (9 months ago)
- BitMask Demo (3 years ago)
- A simple stopwatch for your recordings in OBS Studio (5 years ago)