Implementation for Age-related Factor guided Joint Task Modeling Convolutional Neural Network on Tensorflow
This is a TensorFlow implementation of the face recognizer described in the paper "Age-related Factor guided Joint Task Modeling Convolutional Neural Network for Cross-Age Face Recognition". Training data: The CACD dataset ([]), MORPF Album 2 dataset([]) and the CASIA-WebFace dataset ([]) have been used for training.
2.Multi-task CNN. A Matlab/Caffe implementation can be found here
./src/ the model with just identity softmax and center loss.
./src/ the multiloss model for AFJTCNNs.
./src/ : Pretraining CNN with identity label.
./src/ finetune in a AFJTCNN way.
./src/ finetune the multiloss CNN without joint task factor analysis.
./src/ test the EER of different checkpoints.
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