A Laravel plugin that allows users to leave reactions on posts using Livewire, similar to the functionality in spatie/laravel-comments
- Flexible Reaction Types: Define multiple reaction types with custom names and icons through the configuration file.
- User and Guest Reactions: Allow both authenticated users and guests to leave reactions. Configurable to restrict reactions to only users, only guests, or both.
- Customizable Reaction Limits: Set the maximum number of reactions a user or guest can leave on a single post through the configuration file.
- Dynamic Reaction Display: Utilize a Livewire component to dynamically display reaction buttons with real-time updates.
- Remove Reactions: Users and guests can remove their reactions. Configurable to set a time limit within which reactions can be removed.
- Reaction Count Display: Display the count of each reaction type for a given post.
- Total Reaction Count: Retrieve the total count of reactions for a given post.
- Grouped Reaction Count: Retrieve a count of all reactions for a given post, grouped by reaction type.
- Custom User Model: Easily configure the user model to be used for reactions.
- Easy Integration: Simple integration with any Laravel model using the HasReactions trait.
return [
'types' => [
['type' => 'like', 'name' => 'Like', 'icon' => '👍'],
['type' => 'love', 'name' => 'Love', 'icon' => '❤️'],
['type' => 'haha', 'name' => 'Haha', 'icon' => '😂'],
['type' => 'wow', 'name' => 'Wow', 'icon' => '😮'],
['type' => 'sad', 'name' => 'Sad', 'icon' => '😢'],
['type' => 'angry', 'name' => 'Angry', 'icon' => '😡'],
'allowed_users' => ['user', 'guest'], // Possible values: 'user', 'guest', 'both'
'max_reactions_per_user' => 1,
'table_name' => 'custom_reactions', // Table name
'user_model' => null, // Default user model - null
'removal_window_hours' => null, // Number of hours within which reactions can be removed, null means no limit
composer require broqit/laravel-reactions
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Broqit\Laravel\Reactions\ReactionsServiceProvider" --tag=migrations
php artisan migrate
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Broqit\Laravel\Reactions\ReactionsServiceProvider"
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Broqit\Laravel\Reactions\ReactionsServiceProvider" --tag="public"
You can optionally publish the config file with:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Broqit\Laravel\Reactions\ReactionsServiceProvider" --tag="config"
Add the HasReactions trait to your model:
use Broqit\Reactions\Traits\HasReactions;
class Post extends Model
use HasReactions;
// Your model code
Add the Livewire component to your view:
<!-- Default styled component -->
<livewire:reaction-button :model="$post" />
<!-- Tailwind CSS styled component -->
<livewire:reaction-button :model="$post" style="tailwind" />
Note: The Tailwind styled version requires Tailwind CSS to be installed and configured in your project. No additional CSS files are needed for this variant.
Retrieve reaction counts:
// Get the total count of reactions for a post
$totalReactions = $post->getTotalReactionsCount();
// Get the number of 'like' reactions for a post
$likeReactions = $post->getReactionsCountByType('like');
// Get the count of all reactions for a post, grouped by type
$groupedReactions = $post->getReactionsCountGroupedByType();